The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 986 The Dragon Roars Thousands of Miles

"Isn't the dragon a thing in the pond? I should have noticed earlier that this thing is... extraordinary.

At this moment, Bu Yundian seemed to have noticed something. While stroking his beard, he spoke slowly. Seeing Hua Weiyang's nervous look, he said, "Little girl, you don't have to worry. This dragon has turned into a dragon many times." It failed, but it still perseveres, which is really rare..."

"Transform into a dragon..."

Upon hearing this, Hua Weiyang noticed that the green dragon scale on Lu's head was the only dragon scale on his body. It was also the reason why he had succeeded but failed at the last moment. prove.

At this time, Rui's body had been bitten with blood by those wild beasts, but the green dragon scale on his forehead was not stained by blood, flawless and pure, and gradually bloomed with a green light!

"That is……"

At this moment, when they saw the blue scales on Ru's forehead, the three elders of the Beigong family were suddenly shocked. They knew from the beginning that this was a strange dragon that had failed to transform into a dragon many times, but they did not notice the strange dragon's head. The green scales on it are clearly dragon scales!


This time, even Beigong Zhengyang, whose cultivation is unpredictable, couldn't help showing a look of horror on his face. There was a piece of blue dragon scale on his head. What did this mean?

This means that this strange dragon had successfully transformed into a dragon, but for some unknown reason, it suddenly stopped transforming into a dragon, leaving behind this piece of cyan dragon scales!

This is a green dragon with the power to transform into a dragon! He was not originally a black water dragon, but an ancient green dragon with the closest bloodline to the dragon clan!

But...why are the scales on his body all black? What on earth did he go through? Why did it become a black water dragon?

The faces of the three elders were full of horror. They guessed that it must have been ten thousand years ago. Too many things happened ten thousand years ago, but everything was buried in the dust of ten thousand years. Almost everything about ten thousand years ago was forgotten. Not documented.

At this moment, Xiao Chen also frowned slightly. It seemed that he had also misjudged it at the beginning, thinking that what he had conquered was just a dragon soul, which was not comparable to the real black water dragon in ancient times.

But now it seems that Ru was once much stronger than the black water dragon, but for some unknown reason, he is now so weak. It should be that time when he failed to transform into a dragon and left behind the cyan dragon scales. His vitality was severely damaged, and he could not recover even after thousands of years.


Suddenly there was a loud roar, and everyone in the distance was startled. They saw hundreds of wild beasts that were biting the strange dragon and wouldn't let go. Suddenly, they were blown away by the strange dragon. At the same time, the strange dragon flicked its head, He also threw the green flame beast out, and then flew up in an instant, biting the green flame beast, and blood suddenly rained down in the air.

"Green Nightmare!"

Inside the mansion, Bei Gongyu's eyes widened, and he saw the Green Flame Beast struggling desperately in the mouth of the strange dragon. His body was bitten directly by the sharp teeth, and it looked extremely bloody.

"Ho! Roar! Roar!"

The surrounding wild beasts rushed forward again, but they saw that the tail of the ferocious dragon was swept away, and with dozens of "bang bang bang" sounds, more than a dozen wild beasts were swept into a bloody mist, with their bones intact. All shattered.


In the distance, the three elders of the Beigong family showed disbelief. In the mansion, Bei Gongyu saw the green flame beast being bitten by the strange dragon. His eyes were almost splitting, but Xu was beside him. The housekeeper held on tightly, "Sir, I can't go... I can't go!"


With a roar, the violent dragon swung its head and threw the green flame beast out hard. With a "boom", it smashed into pieces a house below. ‘6’ ‘9’ ‘s’ ‘h’ ‘u’ ‘x’ ‘.’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘m’

When the smoke and dust dispersed, they saw that the green flame beast's abdomen was bitten through, dripping with blood, and its neck was bitten through. The blood continued to gush out, and a thick bloody smell suddenly enveloped the nearby streets.


Suddenly, there was thunder in the sky, and the sky was full of black clouds. The scene was indescribably terrifying, and Rui's body was dripping with blood, but those scales that had fallen off slowly grew back at this moment, just new ones. The scales are still black, exuding a heavy aura of gods and demons.


Li raised his head again and let out a roar, which made the wild beasts below tremble. Although there was a fierce light in their eyes, there was lightning and thunder in the sky. For a moment, these wild beasts were afraid of the thunder and did not dare to go back. Rushed up.

At this moment, his violent expression gradually turned into pain, and he kept moaning, and on his head, a pair of horns slowly grew out!

"That is!"

At this moment, everyone in the distance was even more shocked. Could it be that this strange dragon was going to transform into a dragon at this moment? What's on its head is clearly...a pair of dragon horns!

"what happened……"

Xiao Chen couldn't help but frown. It was impossible for Rui to transform into a dragon at this time. With his current strength, he couldn't withstand the catastrophe when transforming into a dragon. But why, a pair of shallow tattoos appeared on his head. Dragon horn?


At this moment, violent roars continued, as if he was in extreme pain. The huge dragon body caused drastic changes in the situation, and finally, a thunderbolt struck him!


The ten thousand-foot-long mysterious thunder illuminated the entire city and struck down directly towards Lu.


Xiao Chen secretly thought something was wrong and rushed over in an instant. Hua Weiyang was shocked when she saw him rushing over suddenly. She immediately sacrificed Fei Hua Lian You Umbrella and Jade Lian Hua and rushed over.

"Sha, Sha, Sha!"

The moment the thunder struck down, Xiao Chen raised his hand, and the whole city was suddenly filled with evil winds. Countless white bones suddenly appeared in the sky, densely packed together, instantly forming a huge formation of ten thousand bones, " "Boom" sound blocked the thunder outside that day.

"Then...what is that!"

Looking at the white bones swirling all over the sky, everyone in the city turned pale with fright. Even the three elders of the Beigong family were shocked. The bones formed into a large formation could even withstand thunder. This... what kind of evil is this? Formation?

"Sha Sha Sha! Sha Sha Sha..."

But seeing the white bones swirling all over the sky, the scene is really terrifying and weird. This formation is also the Ten Thousand Bones Formation that Xiao Chen brought out from the Tomb of Gods and Demons. There are a total of 213 formations, each of which are 200 of the ancient gods. Thirteen sacred bones and the remaining hundreds of thousands of white bones came from unknown sources. All in all, they were very powerful.

However, the hostility in this formation is also very strong. Once it is swallowed up by the formation, it will also turn into white bones and become part of the Ten Thousand Bones Formation.

So at this moment, the people outside were retreating further, for fear of being swallowed up by this terrifying array of bones. As for the Beigong family, almost everyone turned pale and looked at the sky full of bones with shock. What a heavy array of hostility...


The sky thunder struck down one after another. Fortunately, there was a Ten Thousand Bone Formation to resist it. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable. Although Xiao Chen knew that if Ru wanted to successfully transform into a dragon, he must resist the sky thunder with himself. No one can Help, otherwise it will only make it fall short.

But at this moment, Rui couldn't transform into a dragon at all, and he was still weak. If such thunder struck him, even if it didn't destroy him, his soul would be seriously damaged.


Rui was still roaring in pain. Seeing this, Hua Weiyang flew to his head in an instant, reached out and gently stroked the pair of dragon horns on his forehead that were about to emerge, and comforted him, "Rui, it's okay, it's okay..."

Rongtong Spirit, even though he was in great pain at the moment, gently rubbed his head against her. Everyone outside looked at this scene. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, it would be hard to believe that this was a dragon that almost turned into a dragon.

After about half a stick of incense, the crazy thunder in the sky stopped. At this moment, the dark clouds in the sky gradually dissipated. The sunlight shined through the clouds thousands of miles away, and it became a bit dazzling.

At this time, the scales on Rui's body had completely grown back, and it was as if he had been reborn from blood. However, the pair of dragon horns on his forehead had retreated again.

"Ho, ho..."

At this time, below the city, those primitive wild beasts saw the thunderclouds dissipating in the sky, and they were ready to move again. They glared fiercely at Ruili, and kept baring their teeth and making low roars.

But just when these wild beasts were about to charge forward again, Rui suddenly let out a burst of dragon roars, which resounded throughout the world and shattered the windows of many buildings in the city. Countless people were even dizzy from the shock and hurriedly Covered his ears.


The sound of the dragon's roar spread thousands of miles. This time it was no longer the roar of a dragon, but the roar of a dragon!

Why can the dragon roar like a dragon? The three elders of the Beigong family were even more shocked. They pointed their fingers and quickly used their kung fu to protect the hearts of the nearby disciples to prevent them from being injured by the sound of the dragon's roar.

At this moment, the sound of dragon roars was heard continuously. Even though those wild beasts were ancient ferocious beasts, they were finally trembling with fear this time. They all retreated back, and some even lay on the ground. Under this dragon Amidst the groaning, he was too frightened to move.

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