The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 994: Extermination of the Family

In the Wuyu Heaven, the banquet was lively, the orchestras were singing, peach blossoms were flying in the air, and the wine bottles falling into everyone's hands seemed like a dream.

Hua Weiyang, Mrs. Xianshu, Mingyue Valley Master and others were sitting under a peach tree, talking and laughing, and the spring was bright. At this moment, two disciples suddenly walked in from outside and whispered in Hua Weiyang's ear. After a few words, he hurriedly retreated.

Seeing the change in her expression, Mrs. Xianshu raised her eyebrows and asked, "Weiyang...what's wrong?"

Hua Weiyang smiled softly and shook her head, "It's okay. Let's wait until the banquet is over."

The banquet finally broke up in the afternoon, and as of today, Bai Luan and others have not come back. It was not until almost dusk that a few people came back from outside.

Seeing Bai Luan and the others came back safely, Hua Weiyang felt a little relieved and asked several people, "Are you sure about the news you sent back before?"

Bai Luan looked solemn, nodded, and asked, "Has the palace master told your Majesty this matter?"

Hua Weiyang frowned slightly, glanced at Xiao Chen in the distant hall, and shook her head, "Not yet."

By nightfall, most of the people had left, and there were still a few overturned wine bottles scattered in the empty hall.

Xiao Chen walked out of the hall. The stars and moon were dim that night, and there was a cold wind outside. Bai Luan and others had come back from outside. Seeing him walking down from the hall at this time, several people immediately raised their hands and said, "Your Majesty. "


Xiao Chen nodded slightly. During the day, he noticed Bai Luan and others coming back, and also noticed the changes on Wei Yang's face. However, everyone was there at that time, and it was not convenient for him to come out and ask what happened, but thinking about it, it must have happened. There is something important.

"What happened?"

Xiao Chen looked at several people, and finally, his eyes fell on Hua Weiyang's face. Hua Weiyang's eyebrows were slightly furrowed and she hesitated to speak. Finally, Xiao Chen looked at Bai Luan, "Bai Luan, tell me. "

"Return to your Majesty..."

Bai Luan had a solemn look on his face and said, "When we came back this time, we accidentally found out that the Yun Sect might be harmful to us, and they seemed to have found a very powerful person..."


Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed, and he always felt that the Yun Sect was not simple. However, he had not gone to the other party to settle the accounts before when he destroyed the Sword Burial Valley and seriously injured Zi Yuan. However, he did not expect that now, the other party would find him first. Is it coming to your head...?

“A very powerful person, how powerful he is.

Xiao Chen's voice was calm, Bai Luan looked at each other and said, "I'll check again tomorrow..."

"No need."

Xiao Chen raised his hand, obviously not taking this matter too seriously. He looked at Hua Weiyang and said, "Wei Yang, you have been tired these past few days. There is no need to worry about Yun Zong. If they dare to come, I'll take care of it myself. When Zi Yuan's injury recovers in a while, the two seniors, Medical Saint and Medicine Saint, will take a look at your cold injury."


Hua Weiyang nodded slightly.

The night was very peaceful. After she left, Xiao Chen said to Bai Luan, "Tomorrow, ask Yang Xiaoran to go to various sects and ask them to be on guard. If the Yun Sect attacks this time, they may seize the power of the spiritual veins. "

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will ask them to be careful."

Bai Luan cupped his hands, looked towards Lone Peak again, turned around and said, "I'm going to see how Zi Yuan's injury is."

"Go ahead."

Xiao Chen nodded and watched her leaving. After a long time, he turned around and walked into the secret hall of Wuyu Palace.

In the next few days, Wuyutian was in peace. Ziyuan was treated by the Medical Saint and the Medicine Saint, and her injuries gradually recovered. However, on the third day of March, Wuyutian had an imbalance of spiritual energy, causing The Tianwai Peak below suddenly shook.

On this day, Xiao Chen was practicing quietly in the secret hall and could not sense the changes in spiritual energy outside. However, Xiao Cangtian, Shui Hanyan, Bu Yundian, Hua Weiyang, Madam Xianshu and others were I felt it clearly.

The reason why Wuyu Tian is so full of spiritual energy is that it benefits from the creation of heaven and earth here, which condenses the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, so it will not fall for thousands of years.

On the other hand, Xiao Chen has been gathering the power of spiritual veins everywhere in these years, but not all the power of spiritual veins is gathered in Tianwai Peak. The power of spiritual veins is also concentrated in various forces under Wuyu Tian. If one of them is lost, it will definitely affect Wuyutian's spiritual energy, and it will naturally be noticed by Wuyutian.

"It's over there at the Phantom Valley..."

At this moment, the atmosphere in the main hall was solemn. Hua Weiyang, Mrs. Xian Shu, and Bai Luan were all there. The master of Mingyue Valley frowned deeply and said to himself, "The spiritual veins of Fantasy Valley seem to have been moved..."

At this point, she looked at Yang Xiaoran, frowned and said, "If I remember correctly, the Huanyou Valley and the Yanlong Sect were brought under the Wuyu Heaven by Commander Yang five years ago, right?"

"Nonsense, it's not me, could it be you?"

Seeing that she was clearly doubting him, Yang Xiaoran immediately stood up, glanced at everyone in the hall, and said, "There is a problem over at Huanyou Valley. I will go over now to see what's going on, and I will definitely give an explanation. "

After saying that, he bowed his hands towards Mrs. Xianshu and Hua Weiyang in the hall, and then walked out of the hall. Mrs. Xianshu stretched out her hand to stop him, "Deputy Yang, wait a minute. I think this is unusual. The moon just now It doesn’t mean..."

"There's no need to say anything, madam."

Yang Xiaoran immediately stretched out his hand to stop her from continuing, and said, "Everyone is responsible for the work. If something happens to my people over there in the Phantom Valley, I will take care of it. I'm afraid some people haven't figured out the facts yet. Then he ran to your Majesty and talked nonsense..."

"Why are you talking? Who went to your Majesty to talk nonsense?"

The Lord of Mingyue Valley glared at him, but Yang Xiaoran ignored her and walked straight outside. After he left the hall, everyone turned their eyes back. The Lord of Mingyue Valley said, "I see that he has been sneaky recently." , I wonder what they are secretly planning again..."


Mrs. Xianshu coughed twice, looked at her and said, "Mingyue, please stop saying a few words. During this period, Envoy Yang has also worked hard for the various factions below."

Outside, when a man saw Yang Xiaoran coming out, he immediately walked up and whispered, "Commander Yang, how are you? What did Mrs. Xianshu say?"

"Talk about it... just talk nonsense! Before I had time to say anything serious, that woman Mingyue got in the way."

Yang Xiaoran shook his hand impatiently, and the man scratched his head, "This, this is it..."

"Like this? How?" Yang Xiaoran glanced at him and snorted coldly, "Sooner or later I will teach that woman to grow a flower on her head."

"Come on, come on..."

After hearing this, the man scratched his head and smiled bitterly and said, "There are more people in Mingyue Valley than us. If we have to fight, Commander Yang, you can't beat them..."

"Hey! How do you talk?"

Yang Xiaoran raised his hand, knocked him on the head, and said coldly, "My people are just outside. She is a small Mingyue Valley. I, Yang, haven't taken it seriously yet. I won't say anything anymore." Come on, let’s go!”

"Go...where are you going?"

"Where to go? To Xuan Qingmen! Are you going?"


The man was so frightened that his legs weakened. Yang Xiaoran shook his head, with a look of helplessness on his face: "Nonsense, of course we are going to the Phantom Valley. There is something wrong with the power of the spiritual veins there. If Your Excellency knows about it, last month We secretly activate the spiritual veins, just for fear of getting into trouble..."


The man shrank his head, secretly glanced behind him, and lowered his voice and said, "Then why don't we hurry over and take a look? Something is going to happen, and your Majesty won't punish us. If you do, I'll punish you..."

"Those bastards..."

Yang Xiaoran's face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, "If you let me know that they are messing with their spiritual veins secretly, I will have to skin them..."

While they were talking, the two of them had already arrived at Zhaotian Cliff. At this moment, a person hurriedly ran in from outside. But seeing the hurried appearance of the person, Yang Xiaoran shouted, "Stop!"

"Ah, ah..."

The man was so frightened that he almost fell to the ground. When he saw it was Commander Yang, he hurriedly said, "Yang, Yang... Yang Tong, commander, commander..."

"Everything, everything... take care of your sister! Tell me, what's going on over there in the Phantom Valley? Who the hell touched his spiritual veins? I have to twitch his tendons!"

Yang Xiaoran stared at him. The man turned pale with fright and could not speak clearly. The man next to him walked over and slapped him hard on the head. "Are you feeling better?"

"Okay, okay..."

The man swallowed hard and said with a pale face, "I just received the news that the Phantom Valley... the Phantom Valley was destroyed. Everyone in the valley died, and no one was spared..."

"Huanyou Valley... was destroyed? Who the hell dares to destroy the place I conquered? Don't give up your life..."

Yang Xiaoran's face gradually turned pale, and a layer of cold sweat formed on his body. Before he finished speaking, he turned around and ran back to the hall as if he had lost his soul.

"Yang... Commander Yang!"

The man behind him was frightened for a moment and asked the person who reported the news, "Do you know who did it?"

"No... I don't know..." The man was so frightened that his face turned pale and he was dumbfounded.

In the main hall, everyone was discussing things. Suddenly Yang Xiaoran barged in, causing the hall to become quiet. The Lord of Mingyue Valley smiled and said, "Hey, Commander Yang, this is the Shunbu Qiankun of the Supreme Master. He is back so soon." ”

But this time, Yang Xiaoran had no intention of quarreling with her. She saw that his face was pale and his forehead was covered with a layer of cold sweat. Seeing that he had lost his soul, Mrs. Xianshu frowned and asked, "Deputy Ambassador Yang..." What's wrong?"

Yang Xiaoran's face turned pale, he swallowed his saliva, and Liushenwuzhu said, "Huanyou Valley...Huanyou Valley has made people wipe out their families."

"What did you say……"

At this moment, the hall was as quiet as a pindrop, and everyone had a look of surprise on their faces, looking at him motionless.

Mrs. Xianshu was the first to react and asked him again, "Is there anyone left alive?"

Yang Xiaoran shook his head, "No one is alive..."


Everyone in the hall was even more shocked, who did this? If it is just to seize the power of spiritual veins, there is really no need to kill everyone. This is obviously... coming for Wuyutian!

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