The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 995 Mysterious Woman

At this moment, the atmosphere in the hall was extremely solemn and solemn, and everyone was silent. Since the creation of Wuyutian, the forces under it have never been destroyed by anyone, even that time Wuyutian was sealed by Beigong Changfeng. For three years, Beigong Changfeng was unable to wipe out any sect during that period.

But this time, the opponent came with a fierce force, destroying the whole family as soon as they came up. Their methods could not be more ruthless, and they must be aiming at Wuyu Tian.

"It's Yunzong..."

Hua Weiyang frowned, and the first thing she thought of was naturally the Yun Sect. This Yun Sect acted strangely and unpredictable, and could really do such things.

It’s just that the strength of Huanyou Valley is not weak, and it also has Wuyutian’s defensive formation. It should be able to withstand it for a while until support arrives, but this time Huanyou Valley was directly destroyed, and there was no chance to ask for help. None, who could be so ruthless?

Unless one of the three quasi-sages of the Yun Sect goes there in person, it is possible to destroy the entire valley with a raise of his hands. However, the Lingxu Realm and the Five Realms of Immortal Yuan have been in peace for thousands of years. For now, It was impossible for a powerful quasi-sage in the Lingxu Realm to come out so unscrupulously to destroy other sects, so the three quasi-sages of the Yun Sect did not come out.

Excluding the three powerful quasi-sages of the Yun Sect, who else has the ability to wipe out the forces under a Desireless World in an instant?

Tang Yu didn't have this ability. He could only lead his people to destroy the small forces in Shu like Buried Sword Valley. He was still a little short of destroying the forces in Wuyu Tian.

If this is the case, then it may be true as Bai Luan said before. This time, Yunzong hired a powerful person to deal with Wuyutian, and the destruction of Huanyou Valley was probably caused by that person.

"Do you want to inform your Majesty about this now?"

The atmosphere in the hall was solemn, and Bai Luan asked. Now that the Huanyou Valley has been destroyed and the spiritual veins have been taken away, it cannot be completely concluded that it was Yun Zong who did it. Someone still needs to investigate this matter.

"Not yet."

Hua Weiyang shook her head, thinking that the three corpse demons in Xiao Chen's body had recurred in the past few days, and now they need to be stabilized, and said, "Your Majesty is currently practicing quietly and cannot be disturbed..."

When she said this, she looked at Yang Xiaoran at the entrance of the palace, and said, "Deputy Envoy Yang, can you go down and find out who did it about Huanyou Valley?"

"Me, me, I'll go... Of course I'll go, no matter who else!"

Yang Xiaoran looked calm on the face, but he was extremely panicked in his heart. How powerful was that person who could destroy the Phantom Valley in one go? He led the people down and had to be careful. It would be fine if they were not noticed by the other party, but if they met the other party head-on, what was the chance of winning? Mostly there is death but no life.

"I think this is not a trivial matter. It's not easy for Commander Yang to lead alone. Why don't I go and have a look together?"

At this time, Mingyue Valley Master also stood up, with a calm expression on his face. Hua Weiyang looked at her and said, "Mingyue, are you okay?"

"No problem at all."

Mingyue smiled faintly and glanced at Yang Xiaoran intentionally or unintentionally. Yang Xiaoran saw that she was clearly looking down on him and sneered, "Master Mingyue Valley, then you have to protect yourself. Turn around and take action. This I can't control you."

Mingyue Valley Master smiled lightly and said, "Commander Yang, just protect yourself. In terms of cultivation, it seems that I am still above you."

Mrs. Xianshu knew that this matter was not a trivial matter, but the two of them were not taking it seriously at the moment. She frowned and said, "Both of you, please be careful. If the other person's cultivation level is higher than yours, remember not to force yourself. At the same time, don't try to alert the snake." , waiting for me to arrange with the palace master.”

"Don't worry, madam."

The Lord of Mingyue Valley cupped his hands, glanced at Yang Xiaoran again, and then walked out of the hall. Yang Xiaoran followed immediately without saying anything.

In the hall, the atmosphere was still solemn, with Mrs. Xianshu and several old men frowning. This time, the matter may not be as simple as it seems on the surface. Regardless of whether it is an intrusion from the Yun Sect or not, there must be someone secretly controlling something behind the scenes.

In the next seven days, the entire Wuyu Heaven was on alert at all times, and in just seven days, three of the forces below had their families wiped out.

Such a big event naturally caused an uproar outside. Since the founding of Wuyutian, we have never encountered anything like this. In seven days, three forces had their families wiped out, and the power of their spiritual veins was also taken away by each other. This Obviously he came for the entire Wuyutian, and he was extremely arrogant.

According to the news from Yang Xiaoran and Mingyue Valley Master, the other party is indeed from the Yun Sect, but it would be unreasonable if it was just because of the last burial in Sword Valley.


Just when she was nervous, another person suddenly ran in from outside the palace. Mrs. Xianshu frowned deeply and asked, "What are you going to report for? Tell me!"

"Reply to Madam..."

But looking at the man's pale face and panic, everyone couldn't help but frown, only to hear him say in a trembling voice, "Just now Commander Yang sent back the news that the Yun Sect's people have almost reached Wuding Mountain. Now Commander Yang and Master Mingyue Valley have retreated to Wuding Sect, asking for support..."


Mrs. Xianshu's eyebrows became more and more frowned, and she said, "Although Wuding Mountain in the north is a natural danger, and the essence of Zhoushan's spiritual energy condenses the forbidden formation, it has always been easy to defend and difficult to attack. But once it is broken, the opponent can march straight in and seize it directly." The power of Tianwai Peak’s spiritual veins…”

When she said this, the look on her face became even more serious. She looked at Hua Weiyang and said, "Weiyang, we must mobilize our manpower and go to Wuding Mountain immediately. With the strength of Wuding Sect, we can support it for up to three days. It will be inevitable Broken.

At this time, Hua Weiyang also had a very nervous look on her face. This time the Yun Sect came so fiercely, there was probably something complicated behind it, but no matter what, Wuding Mountain must be defended now.

In the past few days, she and Mrs. Xianshu were naturally not sitting in Wuyutian's hall waiting for news. In the past few days, the two of them had secretly mobilized various forces below. At this time, they only needed to give an order, and thousands of troops would inevitably Immediately rush to Wuding Mountain for support.

In the afternoon, in order to avoid any accidents, Hua Weiyang and Mrs. Xianshu also went to Wuding Mountain in person. As for Xiao Cangtian and others, they naturally stayed in Wuyutian to prevent the other party from diverting the tiger away from the mountain.

Wuding Mountain is about two thousand miles away to the north of Wuyutian. It is a dangerous pass to the north of Wuyutian. As long as Wuding Mountain is not broken, if anyone wants to seize the spiritual power of Tianwai Peak from the north, it will be almost impossible. impossible.

The sect leader of Wuding Mountain is named Xue Wuguang, who was taken into Wuyutian by Xiao Chen a few years ago. In recent years, he has been responsible for important positions in the natural dangers of the north, and he can be considered loyal.

On this afternoon, the entire Wuding Mountain was covered by layers of clouds covering a hundred miles radius. It was not raining, but the Zhoushan Restriction, all condensed.

A majestic power of restraint enveloped the entire Wuding Mountain, making the entire Wuding Sect impregnable. But even so, Xue Wuguang has never breathed a sigh of relief from yesterday evening to now.

"Don't worry, Sect Master Xue. The palace master and his wife are already on their way. They will probably arrive in an hour at most."

Staring at the layers of gloomy clouds outside, the Lord of Mingyue Valley spoke.

Xue Wuguang smiled bitterly and said, "It doesn't matter. No matter how many people come from the Yun Sect this time, Xue will definitely defend Wuding Mountain and never take a step back."

Although he said this, he was really worried. This time, the Yun Sect came too fiercely. In just seven days, it destroyed the following three forces. Even if the Wuding Sect used the spiritual energy of Zhoushan to form an extremely powerful forbidden formation, If the opponent attacks with all their strength, they will probably not be able to defend it.

An hour later, clouds suddenly surged in the sky due to the south, and then a powerful aura enveloped the area, making many people in the Wuding Sect feel panicked.

"Don't worry, it's the palace master and his wife who are here."

The Master of Mingyue Valley looked at the southern sky. Soon, a large number of people appeared. After seeing that it was Mrs. Xian Shu and Palace Master Weiyang, Xue Wuguang immediately asked someone to open the prohibition formation and let them in.

In addition to them, there are also people from the Thirty-six Sect and other forces under Wuyu Tianxia, ​​and the number is not small.

This time, seeing so many people coming to support, everyone in the Wuding Sect was nervous all night and finally calmed down a little. But at the same time, the clouds suddenly surged in the sky due north. , followed by the same powerful aura that compels people's hearts.

"Oops, they are coming..."

Before he could greet Mrs. Xianshu and others, Xue Wuguang's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately ordered the surrounding prohibition formation to be closed.

But when I saw the entire Wuding Mountain, mysterious lights immediately rose into the sky, and impregnable prohibitive arrays were formed around the mountain. The dark clouds in the sky also surged up, and there was a sudden roar of thunder. Hide and appear.

"Using the essence of Zhoushan's spiritual energy to form a large forbidden formation, it's not bad... but if the formation is broken, no one will be left behind!"

At this moment, a cold man's voice sounded from outside, which made many people inside tremble. Xue Wuguang immediately calmed down and said to the outside, "Which friend is here, please tell me his name."

"Yunzong, Tang Yu."

As a cold voice sounded, a dark figure suddenly appeared outside the mountain, probably numbering in the thousands.

"It's this person again..."

Mingyue Valley Master frowned and said to Hua Weiyang, "Palace Master, I will go out to meet this person."

"No, wait..."

At this moment, Hua Weiyang seemed to have noticed something was wrong. There couldn't be only one Tang Yu, and this man's cultivation level was not necessarily high. He couldn't even defeat himself, so what ability could he destroy the three under Wuyu Tian? power?

At this time, the few old men beside him did not seem to have very high cultivation levels, far inferior to Tang Qingshi. It was impossible for these people to destroy the three forces in Wuyu World in a row.

At this moment, Hua Weiyang's eyes gradually became focused. At this moment, a cold air and a murderous aura came from nowhere, making everyone in the Wuding Sect feel as if they were in a cold pool. Generally speaking, under the cold atmosphere, he couldn't help but tremble.

Even Xue Wuguang, who had a high level of cultivation, turned pale at this moment. The cold breath that came from nowhere seemed to be suffocating him.


Hua Weiyang was the first to notice the cold air, and immediately shot two cold eyes outside, only to see Tang Yu and the others. Originally, these people were a little arrogant when they came to Wuding Mountain, but now they are here Shrouded in this cold air, like mice, they quickly moved aside. Even Tang Yu didn't say another word, and he and the several old men beside him quickly moved aside.


The sound of cold footsteps echoed in front of the entire mountain. Although there was no word, the cold air at this moment seemed to envelope the entire world in an instant. Even Mrs. Xianshu, Ancestor Goshawk, Ancestor Jiuming, and Xueyangzi and the others couldn't help but shudder deeply, as if they had fallen into a cold abyss in an instant.

I saw the people of Yunzong quickly moving to both sides like a tide, and in the middle, there was a figure walking slowly towards the front of the mountain. The sound of cold footsteps seemed to be stepping on everyone's heart, which only made people feel... Feeling extremely depressed and suffocated.

The person was wearing a blood-red robe, and her appearance could not be clearly seen, but judging from her body shape, she seemed to be a woman, not as tall and tall as a man.

"Open the formation and hand over the power of the spiritual veins, otherwise when the formation is broken, none of you... will survive."

Under the robe, a cold and ruthless female voice suddenly came out. The voice was so cold that it seemed to instantly make people fall into a cold pool.

At this moment, everyone seemed to be frozen by the cold air that spread over her body, motionless and did not even dare to make a sound.

And Hua Weiyang couldn't help but tremble slightly in her heart. What a cold voice. Who is this person? Why doesn't he show his true face...

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