The two sides have been in a state of panic, and the two sides have been in a state of panic.

Of course, Eduardo would not agree to their request.

The Portuguese national team is indeed awesome, but Xiaobianzi is just a substitute among substitutes, where does he get the strength of 3 million?

Besides, Su Wei only has an annual salary of 1 million. Logically speaking, in terms of his role on the court, one Su can at least replace two or three Cavaleros.

If you can get an annual salary of 3 million, Su should at least get an annual salary of 10 million!

Eduardo flatly rejected Xiaobianzi's unreasonable request.

Moreover, this guy was on loan with only one-year contract, and he was fearless and was not afraid of falling out with the top management of Laco.

Seeing that his salary increase request was not met, he was either late or left early for training every day.

Seeing this, Jimenez had to put him on the bench. The continuous problems had a great impact on Laco.

In November, Laco played three more league games.

In one home game against Elche, the two sides fought for 90 minutes and tied 0:0. Su Wei had a long shot that hit the crossbar and did not go in.

In a game against Malaga, Su Wei used the [Heavy Gunner] skill to score a goal at the beginning, but Malaga tenaciously equalized the score in injury time.

At the end of November, Laco went away again to challenge Real Sociedad.

In this game, Su Wei sent two assists in the first half.

Unfortunately, the team was short of players and the teammates were not in good shape. Real Sociedad scored two goals in the second half, but the result was another draw.

Laco had three consecutive draws, Real Madrid and Barcelona had three consecutive wins, and Atletico Madrid also had two wins and one draw.

Valencia and Sevilla both had two wins and one loss.

After 14 rounds, Barcelona ranked first with 30 points.

Real Madrid ranked second with 29 points.

Valencia ranked third with 27 points.

Atletico Madrid ranked fourth with 26 points.

La Coruna and Sevilla both have 25 points, but they have a disadvantage of less goal difference than Sevilla, so they can only be ranked sixth for the time being.

Su Wei looked at the ranking that was falling straight down, and he was very anxious, and so were Jimenez and Eduardo.

Although Jimenez said in every media interview: "Our goal is to avoid relegation!"

But after 14 rounds, they are still in the first echelon.

Jimenez doesn't say he wants to win the championship, but at least he wants to play in the European war.

But with the current lineup of La Coruna, it is not easy to achieve this goal.

In December, Jimenez and Eduardo began to look for players frantically, and some have entered the final negotiation.

With money in their pockets, the team's current ranking is not bad.

In addition, Eduardo's skill in painting cakes is very nice, so Laco still has some appeal in this winter transfer market.

In addition to the orderly progress of the recruitment work, good news also came from Laco's injured camp.

Entering December, Karane and Farina have returned to the team one after another, and Su Wei finally has help again.

This month, Laco finally stopped the decline, and achieved three wins and one draw in four La Liga games.

This record cannot be compared with Barcelona and Real Madrid's four wins in four games, but it is better than Atletico Madrid's two wins and two draws, and Valencia and Sevilla's three wins and one loss.

Unknowingly, 2014 has passed.

In the La Liga standings, Barcelona and Real Madrid have 42 points and 41 points respectively.

The two teams have gradually widened the gap with the following teams.

As for Su Wei himself, he is not as anxious as in November.

Because his goal this season is not the top two in the league.

Third place in the league and qualification for the Champions League, this is what Su Wei wants.

After the hard work in December, this result does not seem impossible to achieve.

Valencia, currently ranked third, has 36 points, only one point more than Deportivo La Coruna.

Atletico Madrid and Sevilla both have 34 points, one point less than Deportivo La Coruna.

This day is December 31, 2014, the last day of 2014.

The entire Deportivo La Coruna team has two days off to welcome the New Year.

Su Wei was still sleeping in the morning when Vigreli called.

"Su, are you awake?"

Su Wei replied in a daze: "Yeah, just woke up..."

"I received two invitations here, one is from Mendes, he made an offer on behalf of Valencia, with an annual salary of 4 million euros, which is equivalent to your four years in La Coruna!"

Vigreli's tone revealed joy: "Their boss is Singaporean, very rich, I told you before."

Su Wei yawned. For someone who thinks about completing tasks every day and running towards the goal of becoming the king of football in the future, the temptation of 4 million euros

The power is not strong at all.

Su Wei lazily said: "What about the other one?"

"The other one is awesome, from Real Madrid!"

"Real Madrid?" Su Wei instantly became much more sober and interested, "What do they say?"

"They get less, two million a year, but they will get some share of the image rights."

Su Wei laughed when he heard this, secretly cursing that Real Madrid was really arrogant. He defended Ronaldo, Bale, Marcelo and others alone, and made them unable to resist, but they only gave him an annual salary of two million?

If it were a few months ago, it would be fine. I would join without hesitation. Now giving this annual salary is somewhat insulting.

However, Su Wei also knew that the key was that the annual salary of Laco was too low, which led to Real Madrid not giving too high an annual salary, otherwise Florentino would become a sucker and would be laughed at by outsiders.

In a nutshell, if you want to increase your annual salary and value, you have to start with Laco. Only when Laco gives a high annual salary will other teams pay attention to you.

In addition, it is also the most important part. At present, I can't leave Laco easily. Once I leave, the main task is equivalent to giving up forever!

Thinking of this, Su Wei sighed helplessly and said: "Two million is too little, and I may not have a main position in Real Madrid. I think I'd better wait! But you can use this matter to talk to Eduardo and ask him to give me a substantial salary increase. If he says no, you can tell him that Real Madrid wants to dig me away!"

Vigreli nodded and said: "Okay, I think Real Madrid is quite sincere. Their sports director called me and talked for a long time. But I respect your choice in this matter."

Su Wei hung up the phone and fell asleep again.

At noon, while eating in the restaurant, he sent a message to Elsa on the phone.

The two have made an appointment to celebrate the New Year together in the evening.

Just as Su Wei imagined the beautiful scenery when he was entangled with Elsa in the evening.

Eduardo came straight over with a plate of food and sat opposite Su Wei on purpose.

"Why don't you go out to play during the holidays?" Eduardo asked with a smile.

"I'll go out tonight." Su Wei answered truthfully.

"Well, you've worked hard these past two months. Carane, Pablo, and Farina were injured one after another. Thanks to your outstanding performance, we didn't fall behind."

"It's the result of everyone's joint efforts!"

Su Wei said this, but he secretly said in his heart: 'Old man, you also know that my brother has worked hard. I think you have made a lot of money in the past six months. Hurry up and take some out this winter, otherwise my brother will definitely run away next summer! '

Eduardo laughed, as if he saw through Su Wei's mind.

He continued: "Yes, everyone is working hard for the revival of Laco, but you have made the greatest contribution! I have good news for you. This winter window, we will have new players joining, and we must rush for the Champions League this year!"

Su Wei couldn't help but feel happy when he heard that the club was finally willing to buy players.

This old man is really smart. I hope he is not painting a pie for himself.

If he dares to paint a pie, he will definitely run to Real Madrid in the summer!

PS: I was out for some reason, so I didn’t watch the match between China and South Korea tonight, but after seeing the result, they still lost. I don’t want to say more, keep working hard next time!

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