The old man is determined to make La Coruna bigger and stronger again!

The New Year holiday has just passed, and the first training session this morning.

Su Wei and Salman walked shoulder to shoulder, talking and laughing as they walked to the training ground.

Both of them live in the dormitory, and they are almost the first to arrive at every training.

But today there was an accident, and there was already someone training on the training ground.

This person was wearing La Coruna training clothes, and Su Wei couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

About 1.8 meters tall, with three-dimensional and deep facial features, although he has a beard, he looks very young, at most in his early twenties.

Su Wei felt that the man looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

At this time, Salman next to him asked, "Who is this person?"

Su Wei remembered the signings mentioned by Eduardo and replied, "It should be a newcomer who just came."

"Then let's go and say hello?" Salman suggested.

Su Wei nodded, and then the two walked towards each other. At this time, the man was still practicing passing the pole with the ball.

When he got closer, Su Wei greeted him in Spanish.

The man looked up at Su Wei and Salman, neither replied nor slowed down.

After passing the pole, he ran towards the distant goal with the ball, and then reached the penalty area line, raised his right leg and shot!

Although there was no goalkeeper, the shot was very powerful and the angle was very tricky.

The football hit the bottom edge of the crossbar and bounced into the goal with a bang.

Salman curled his lips and said, "He's good at shooting, but he has a bad temper. I guess he's another braid type."

Su Wei smiled. He didn't care if he had a bad temper or not. He just wanted a capable teammate. He wasn't talking about a girlfriend.

Su Wei saw that the opponent's dribbling shot was done in one go, and he felt that it was much better than a braid.

At this time, after shooting, he turned and walked towards Su Wei and Salman. When he was more than three meters away, he stopped and said, "Carrasco, please teach me more in the future."

After saying this, before Su Wei and Salman could react, he trotted to practice dribbling over the pole, completely ignoring the existence of Su Wei and Salman.

Salman shrugged and said, "What a cocky guy!"

Su Wei didn't say anything, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

Yannick Carrasco?

No wonder this guy looks familiar. It turns out to be the Carrasco who played in the Chinese Super League.

Su Wei was no stranger to him. He even went to see him play football in the future. It was really a crushing victory!

Su Wei still remembers that this guy played in the Chinese Super League for two years and was able to return to Atletico Madrid with a price of more than 27 million.

Now it is 2015. He is only 21 years old, but he has already begun to emerge in the football world!

Su Wei thinks that Eduardo must have spent a lot of money to bring Yannick Carrasco to Deportivo La Coruna.

The fact is just as Su Wei expected. Eduardo did spend a lot of money this time!

In order to get Carrasco from Monaco, Deportivo not only paid a transfer fee of 17 million euros, but also made a big promise to Carrasco and his agent for more than a month, which convinced the Belgian to join Deportivo La Coruna.

Salman looked at Su Wei's excited expression and asked in confusion: "Boss, do you know him?"

Su Wei nodded and said: "Well, I know him, he is a very awesome guy!"

Salman suddenly became nervous: "Will he take my starting position?"

Su Wei smiled and said: "As far as I know, he plays as a winger more often."

Salman breathed a sigh of relief, that's good.

Knowing Carrasco's identity, Su Wei tried to get in touch with him so that they could work together in the future.

Little did he know that this guy was very arrogant and didn't want to talk to anyone, just practicing alone.

Su Wei had no choice but to give up, and then called Salman to practice together.

Soon, more teammates came.

The old captain Pablo appeared at the training ground and gave Su Wei a hug happily when he saw him.

"Su, did you have a happy New Year's Eve? Have you talked about a girlfriend? Do you want me to introduce you to a local girl?"

Su Wei half-jokingly said: "I will never talk about women unless I enter the Champions League. They will only affect the speed of my sword drawing!"


Pablo was stunned when he heard this.

What the hell affects the speed of sword drawing?

This later Dragon Country Internet meme, he, a Spaniard, didn't understand at all.

After a pause, Pablo could only pretend to pat Su Wei on the shoulder and praised: "Good job, just for your previous sentence

, we must enter the Champions League today! "

In the new year, all the injured players of Laco have returned to the team, only the braided Cavaleiro is missing.

Su Wei thinks that this kid will probably leave in the winter window.

When bragging and chatting with his teammates, Carrasco just listened quietly and hardly communicated with others.

Unconsciously, Jimenez and the assistants also came to the stadium together.

After assembling the team, the first thing is to announce Carrasco's joining.

"This winter, our team has grown again, let us welcome the arrival of new teammate Carrasco! "

As soon as Jimenez finished speaking, he led the applause.

Everyone was a little unfamiliar with Carrasco, and he didn't like to communicate with others, so the applause was not very enthusiastic.

After welcoming Carrasco, Jimenez began to talk about the team's recent game tasks.

The first one is the fifth round of the King's Cup in three days.

The King's Cup has reached the fifth round, and there are no dark horses.

16 teams, all of them are La Liga teams.

La Coruna's opponent in this round is the Yellow Submarine Villarreal Villarreal is currently ranked seventh in La Liga and is considered the leader of the second group. Although they are only one place away from the European competition zone, they are not very interested in fighting in the league. Instead, they are ready to take the King's Cup seriously. In the last round against Malaga, they played with all their main players and hit hard. 3:0 at home, 2:0 away, and swept the opponent 5:0 in two rounds! Needless to say, they will definitely strive to advance in this round. Villarreal's idea is easy to understand. They can't compete with Real Madrid in the league. Madrid, Barcelona.

In the King's Cup, there will be more chances, and they have a lot of ideas for this championship.

On the other hand, Jimenez is more entangled. He was ready to give up the King's Cup in the last round, but under the strong performance of Su Wei, Laco unexpectedly entered the fifth round.

This made Jimenez reluctant to give up the cup again.

After all, if he wins again, he will enter the quarterfinals, then the semifinals, and then the finals. No one can resist the temptation of the championship.

Jimenez thought again and again and decided to play away in the first round of this round of the King's Cup , we need to send the main force. If they play well, we will fight Villarreal in the second round!

If they don’t play well in the first round, we will just give up in the second round and save some energy for the league.

After the first day of training after the holiday, Eduardo held a ceremony for Carrasco to join the team at the Lizoya Stadium in the afternoon.

The value of 17 million is already ranked first in the transfer history of Laco.

Of course, this is not a high-priced transfer in La Liga, so Carrasco’s joining did not cause much noise in La Liga!

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