Mu Qingyu nodded just now, while several people were talking, someone knocked on the door, and Mu's mother asked, "Who is it?"

"Room Service."

   Outside, a man's voice said.

  Mum Mu didn't suspect him, so she opened the door, and she saw a waiter enter the door. As soon as he entered, he pushed a small cart, which seemed to contain dinner plates.

   "It's three bowls of silver noodles in chicken soup. This is a gift from the hotel, and every guest who stays has it."

   "Oh, well, put it aside." Mu's mother said. Seeing the waiter put down the plate, she also said: "The service of this hotel is also very good, and they even send food to the guests."

  As soon as he said that, Mu Qingyu suddenly had a thought.

   That's right, some guest rooms will give guests food, but generally they are given meal coupons, which require guests to go to the restaurant to eat in person.

   This kind of food delivery is impossible to personally deliver to the guests. unless. . . . . .

  She said: "I'm really hungry, I didn't eat much at noon."

  Mother Mu also nodded. At noon, none of them had a good meal after that incident happened. At this moment, the aroma of chicken noodle soup is wafting, which is very tempting.

  She walked over and watched carefully.

   Sure enough, under a bowl, she saw a list with three noodles on the front, which she could vaguely see, and words written on the back.

  Mu Qingyu put away the list calmly, and then greeted Mu's mother and Enen: "Come on, eat something to pad your stomach."

  The two nodded and walked over. Mu Qingyu said, "I'll put Xiaotuanzi on the bed and go to sleep."

  Mother Mu nodded without doubting him. Mu Qingyu carried her daughter to the edge of the bed, turned her back to them, and opened the note.

   Behind it was written a few words: "I'm next door."

  It's Leng Yunlin!

  When she saw this note, she felt a lot more at ease.

  In any case, Leng Yunlin has not given up on her until now, and has not really left her and her daughter behind. Moreover, coming here so soon, she has nothing else to ask for.

   With a warm heart, she coaxed her daughter to fall asleep first, then walked back pretending that she didn't know anything, and sat down to eat noodles.


   Soon, the three ate their dinner. Mu's mother said: "Then, I'll go to the nearby supermarket first and buy something for the child. You stay here well, don't be too tired, you know."

  Mu Qingyu nodded: "Understood, Mom, you should come back early."

  Mother Mu nodded, took her wallet and went out.

  Mu Qingyu was in the room, and waited until she could no longer hear Mu's mother's voice, and then told Mu Shangen: "Enen, remember, Uncle Leng will come over later, you must not tell your grandma about this matter, you know."

   Mu Shangen was pleasantly surprised: "Is Uncle Leng coming over?"

  Mu Qingyu nodded slightly: "Yes, but, you must not tell your grandma, even if your grandma asks you, you have to act as if you don't know anything, you know. If you tell grandma, Uncle Leng won't be able to visit us in the future."

  Mu Shangen nodded immediately.

  Mu Qingyu walked outside the door and said, "Come out."

   Soon, the door in the next room was opened, and a head popped out. Seeing Mu Qingyu, Leng Yunlin immediately jumped over happily, held her head and kissed her: "Qingyu!"

  Mu Qingyu pushed him away, and turned cold on purpose: "What did you come to me for? Your mother said, didn't she want to find you a young and beautiful girl to marry and have a child with? Why did you come after me again!"

  Leng Yunlin laughed, of course she knew that she was talking ironically. He hugged her with a soft voice: "I don't want it! No matter what a fairy beauty or a wealthy daughter, I just want my Qingyu and our little dumpling!"

   "Okay, stop talking, come in."

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