"Okay, stop talking, come in." Mu Qingyu was afraid that Mu's mother would come back at any time, so she immediately pulled him into the room.

  As soon as he saw Leng Yunlin enter the door, Mu Shangen immediately walked over: "Uncle Leng."

  Leng Yunlin smiled at him, then looked at Leng Xiaotuanzi, Mu Shangen said, "My sister is asleep."

  Leng Yunlin walked over and sat by the bed, seeing Leng Xiaotuanzi sleeping on his back, with saliva running down half of his face. He looked at his daughter, then looked back at Mu Qingyu: "Qingyu, you have suffered."

  Mu Qingyu taunted him: "Come on, your mother still thinks you have suffered. Such an excellent son, I don't know how he was seduced by this vixen. You should hurry home and do your filial piety!"

  Leng Yunlin just smiled, took her hand, and sat side by side on the bed.

  With children and a wife, this place is like a home.

  Leng Yunlin saw the timid Mu Shangen standing aside, and waved to him. Mu Shangen was a little apprehensive. He came over and begged, "Uncle Leng, can you help me to apologize to grandma, it's Enen's fault to let grandma not get angry with mom and grandma."

  Leng Yunlin felt a little soft when he saw him lowering his head slightly with an uneasy expression on his face.

  What's wrong with the child, and Mu Shangen is already much better than their Xiaobao. At least, he wouldn't sneak into Mu Qingyu's bedroom while he and Mu Qingyu were asleep, insist on sleeping with his mother, and drive him out of the room.

  Leng Yunlin patted his head: "Enen, if you want to admit your mistake, you can take good care of your mother and sister, can you?"

   Mu Shangen nodded firmly: "It can be done!"

   "That's good." Leng Yunlin smiled, "Don't tell your grandma about uncle coming here, okay?"

   "Why?" Mu Shangen was very strange.

   "Because your grandma was born with uncles and mothers. If she knows that I come here to see you, she will be unhappy. Enen doesn't want your grandma to be unhappy, right?"

  Mu Shangen nodded his head.

   "So, this is a little secret between Uncle and Enen. Uncle believes that Enen can keep the secret. Let's hook up, okay?"

  Mu Shangen did not stretch out his little hand, Leng Yunlin asked: "Enen, are you unwilling to make promises with uncle?"

  Mu Shangen looked at him, then looked at Mu Qingyu and Leng Xiaotuanzi, and said after a long time: "But, it's useless for Enen to hook up with you. If mom and sister tell the story, it will be miserable."

  Leng Yunlin couldn't help laughing at the child's words, and the hostility that had accumulated throughout the day finally dissipated a lot.

  He tugged at Enen, and whispered in Enen's ear: "Actually, my mother has hooked up with me too. You have to pretend you don't know."

   "Why?" Mu Shangen was naturally a little puzzled. He is still young, and he still doesn't understand the twists and turns between adults.

  Leng Yunlin winked at him, and lied to him, "Because, if mom knew about my affair with mom and told you, she would be ashamed. She didn't even tell her little sister!"

   Mu Shangen suddenly felt very proud. After Leng Xiaotuanzi was born, although he liked his sister very much, he was not stupid, so he naturally felt that the existence of Leng Xiaotuanzi took away a large part of his place in his mother's heart.

  However, maybe it was subtle, maybe it was a deliberate reminder from others, he knew that he was not from the Leng family and should not stay with his mother. It was not easy for his mother to keep him. Moreover, after what happened today, he also knows that staying by his mother's side will embarrass both grandma and mother.

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