Zhao Xiaoxuan also endured it, and it is estimated that Leng Yunlin will recognize Mu Qingyu's atrocities later - after the slap on her face, she will recognize the ugly face of this woman!

  The building of the Leng Group is not close to here. If you drive, it may take nearly an hour. However, it took Feng Linxue more than half an hour to finish the acupuncture procedure. Others don't know that she came here on purpose at this time, just for Mu Qingyu.

   When the time was up, she stopped the injection. Before Leng Yunlin came, she stood aside and asked about Su Chengkai's recovery.

   "Do you still feel the right side today?"

  Su Chengkai replied: "I can feel it, but I can't use any force. I can only move my fingers slightly, and I hardly feel it."

  Feng Linxue nodded: "This is a normal phenomenon. I suggest that you try to move your hands and feet every day when you are free. And your son, you can also massage and knead for you to re-establish the control of the nerves on this side. You must not be afraid of trouble."

  Su Chengkai smiled: "I don't want to just be paralyzed on the bed like a useless person for the rest of my life. If possible, I also hope to go to Su's enterprise to use my spare heat!"

   Obviously, what he meant by this sentence was that recently, Xu Xiaona and Su Xuanling basically ignored him because they paid too much attention to Su's enterprise, and he felt chilled in his heart.

  Su Xuanling obviously heard what he meant, and her face turned pale.

   And Feng Linxue just said: "Your body can't adapt to high-intensity labor. I suggest you do rehabilitation treatment for a period of time first, and wait until you fully recover."

   "That's for sure," he still laughed, "Seeing Haotian's health is so good now, I'm really envious. If I had married a wife who studied medicine at that time, wouldn't it be like this now?"

   While talking, many people suddenly came to the door. Zhao Xiaoxuan saw that it was her mother who called to help her hold the scene!

  If Feng Linxue wasn't here, no matter how much trouble she made, it would probably be fine. After all, she is also Su Chengkai's niece, but Mu Qingyu is someone Su Chengkai doesn't want to get in touch with - the scandal between her and Mo Shaochen made him very angry at the time, and he doesn't like her now.

  However, with Feng Linxue, this is different!

   If there is more trouble, doesn't it mean that their Zhao family is still mixed with this kind of underworld? How could a military family like the Leng family tolerate their relationship with the Zhao family!

   Suddenly, Su Yanmu was full of regrets, and was about to ask them to leave, but the person in the lead had already seen the situation in the room, and pushed the door in: "Madam, who do you want me to deal with? Is it this woman!"

  This bastard, the person he pointed at was actually—Feng Linxue!

   Also, Feng Linxue is very close, and from her body, there are hardly many traces of the years. In terms of feeling, she looks like a woman in her thirties or early forties, well-maintained, and very temperamental. Such a woman is most attractive to Zhao Hanqing, a successful entrepreneur in his fifties and sixties. The reason is very simple-mature men and women know how to flirt, and hook-up is effortless at all. And he also has his own bottom line, just like an old friend.

   Besides, why did this **** point his hand at Feng Linxue?

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