Because this woman is very close to Su Yumu and Zhao Xiaoxuan, she stood in front of Mu Qingyu and almost completely bore their angry eyes!

  However, because Feng Linxue stood in front of Mu Qingyu, even though the gangster was pointing at her, from the perspective of Su Yumu and Zhao Xiaoxuan, they thought he was referring to Mu Qingyu! Therefore, there was no objection.

  At that moment, without saying a word, the gangster in the lead called a group of brothers behind him, three or five people, and appeared at the door.

   "Hey, come out with us if you're smart! Don't stay here forever! Even if you want to call the police, it's useless! Our brothers have all been in prison, and it's a big deal for a few more years! But you, if you go out with us obediently, you can suffer less!"

  Feng Linxue frowned.

  She still didn't know that these people thought of herself as a target that needed to be suppressed. She just looked at the fierceness of these people here, and she was a little unhappy that they could still threaten people like this in broad daylight in the hospital.

  She knew that even if the police were called, these people were nothing more than threats. Moreover, remember you this time, even if you can escape this time, they will keep watching you and repairing you until the employer says they are satisfied!

  She looked at Su Chengkai, obviously he was not happy either, her face darkened: "Yanmu! What are you making a fuss about! Get him out of here!"

  Su Yumu didn't want to make things big, so she said, "Let's forget about it today."

  The boss who took the lead also said that, anyway, if he asks them to come out once, no matter whether the thing is done or not, they need to pay. He just looked Feng Linxue up and down with a half-smile: "I said you, it's not good to hook up with anyone, but you want to hook up with us, Mr. Zhao! I remember you today. If there is a next time, believe it or not, I will find some brothers, strip your clothes, and make you world famous?"

  What does this have to do with Zhao Hanqing? Feng Linxue was at a loss. Could it be that this person thought that Mu Qingyu had something to do with Zhao Hanqing?

   Before she could speak, the man over there immediately said nasty words: "You are getting old, and your daughter is about to have a baby, why don't you know how to behave?"

  As soon as this sentence was said, everyone standing at the scene knew that these gangsters had found the wrong partner! The person they were looking for for revenge was Mu Qingyu, but they saw it as Feng Linxue!

  Feng Linxue has lived comfortably under Leng Haotian's wings for so many years. Moreover, she is a figure in the army. Although she is only a technician, she has a military rank. Who dares to say that he is not? Who dares to make her unhappy?

   What's more, these people are still talking like this! Suddenly Feng Linxue frowned!

  Those who are familiar with her know that she rarely gets angry, but when she gets angry, she is more terrifying than Leng Yunting and Leng Yunlin!

  She endured it, looked at Su Yumu, and said in a stern voice, "Get these people out immediately! This is a hospital, not a place for you to be presumptuous!"

  Before Su Yumu could speak, those **** had already spoken: "Hey, old ladies still dare to be violent? You probably don't know how to write the word 'death'?"

  One of them stretched out his arm, intending to teach this disobedient woman a lesson!

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