Mu Qingyu's words choked Mo Shaochen to death. In particular, Mu Qingyu still talked to him with this attitude. He suddenly didn't know how to explain it to her.

   Moreover, her reason was so aboveboard, after all, she was indeed in danger in front of him.

  Hung up the phone, Mo Shaochen looked back at his father, he just turned on the speakerphone, presumably, his father also heard what she said.

  Mo Shaochen said: "Dad, you heard me, the reason why Qingyu doesn't want to bring her child is because she is afraid that her aunt will make trouble again."

  Su Yumu is Su Chengkai's cousin, Mo Shaochen should call her aunt.

  Su Chengkai sat against the head of the bed and did not speak. After a long time, he raised his head: "Is that so?"

  Actually, Mo Shaochen also felt that Mu Qingyu was deliberately alienating him. He himself is using Enen to get in touch with Mu Qingyu, and she is not a fool, so she naturally knows it very clearly.

  Now, she is going to marry Leng Yunlin, so she must avoid suspicion.

  However, for this reason, he didn't want to tell his father.

   Not to mention, after Su Yumu called a few gangsters to make a big noise in the ward last time, the news spread like wildfire and was exposed by the outside media. All of a sudden, the security measures of Su's Hospital became the target of public criticism.

   Even though Mo Shaochen and the others strengthened the construction of the security team later, the bad impression has already spread.

   And the spread of this matter can only be - Leng Yunlin.

  He knew that Leng Yunlin relied on this news to tell Mu Qingyu not to come to Su's Hospital to contact them again. They all called the underworld, and even said arrogantly, I am not afraid of going to jail, let alone security guards, as long as the employer pays, we must punish you.

  However, Mo Shaochen has nothing to do.

  Not only that, because of that incident, Feng Linxue was so angry that he didn't come over in person, but called a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, and told the person Su Chengkai needed acupuncture points. Let that doctor treat him instead of himself.

  Because of this incident, Su Chengkai's blood pressure rose sharply again, and he almost passed out. Moreover, because of this incident, he was also somewhat dissatisfied with the Zhao family and Su Xuanling.

  Since that incident happened, Su Yumu was naturally the culprit. She came to apologize with her husband and daughter that night. Xu Xiaona and Su Xuanling also accompanied him to intercede for his cousin.

  Su Chengkai didn't say anything, neither reprimanded them nor rejected them. However, in the early hours of the morning, his blood pressure suddenly rose because of this incident, and he almost couldn't be rescued. But the next day, Xu Xiaona and Su Xuanling still went to the company, and only came to see him when they got off work at night.

   Obviously, in the hearts of the mother and daughter, nothing is more important than the company. On the contrary, his son, who was not raised by his side since he was a child, is quite filial to him now. Not only did he discover and rescue his sudden critical illness at night, but he also took care of him afterwards.

   These days, many shareholders of the company came and went to see him. He didn't need to leave the hospital to hear his secretary report to him. The general idea is that his daughter and wife have already placed staff in the company. As long as he has a stroke and cannot take care of himself, he will officially take over the company's operations.

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