He's not dead yet, so he's waiting to grab the class and seize power, although he really planned to hand over the company to his daughter at the beginning. However, their behavior really hurt him too much!

   But let alone, maybe because of this anger, he was a bit of a blessing in disguise—the blood in his head was a little smoother because of anger. Now, he can do some simple activities slightly on the right side of his body. Of course, these may also be related to Feng Linxue's treatment.

  Su Chengkai thought for a while before saying: "Continue to strengthen the security measures, and then I will call Haotian personally. After all, I am Enen's grandfather, so I want to see him, can't I?"

  Mo Shaochen naturally wanted to see Mu Qingyu and Mu Shangen, so he nodded.

   As he spoke, the door was pushed open, and Mo Shaochen saw Su Chengkai's secretary, Xiao Chen, enter the door with a briefcase. Behind him was another gentleman-looking man in a suit and glasses.

  Mo Shaochen knew that Xiao Chen was his right-hand man in Su's enterprise. Although he had studied business for several years, he was not very interested in it. As soon as he saw Xiao Chen coming, he just nodded politely, and then said, "Dad, I'm going to the heart surgery department to have a look. I haven't been there for several days."

  Su Chengkai nodded and watched him leave. Xiao Chen sat on the sofa and turned on the computer. The man next to him was his exclusive lawyer. He opened the briefcase: "Mr. Su, this is your will. You originally planned to divide the movable and immovable properties under your name into three. Your wife Xu Xiaona inherits 50% of your shares in Su's enterprise, and the remaining 50% is inherited by your daughter Su Xuanling. The three villas and five apartments under your name are inherited by your wife, and the cash and other securities are equally divided between your wife, daughter, and son Su Shaochen .Your shares in Su's Hospital will be inherited by Su Shaochen. Are there any questions?"

  Su Chengkai thought for a while before nodding: "I need to make a new will."


  At the same moment, the Zhao family.

  A Porsche stopped in front of Zhao's villa. Leng Yunlin, Leng Haoran and Dong Jiachang got out of the car.

   There were already people from the Zhao family waiting. As soon as they saw the three people coming down, they immediately opened the door.

  The night before yesterday, the Leng family held a family meeting and gathered all the members of the Leng family to discuss Leng Yunlin's marriage.

  Afterwards, Leng Haoran made up his mind that Leng Yunlin and Zhao Xiaoxuan should break off their engagement, marry Mu Qingyu in secret first, and hold the wedding after the child is confirmed to be from Leng's family.

   In the past two days, Dong Jiachang was still fighting, but he couldn't change this decision.

  And today is the day they came to Zhao's house to dissolve their engagement.

  Early in the morning, Zhao Xiaoxuan and Su Yumu took turns calling her to ask about her situation. This matter is so bad that Dong Jiachang doesn't want to talk to them any more. So, when they asked questions, they pretended to be dead.

   When they were informed yesterday that she, Leng Yunlin, and Leng Haoran were going to visit in person today, the Zhao family was still in full swing. Zhao Xiaoxuan even went to a full-body spa last night to relax, and planned to show them her most beautiful side.

  The door of the Zhao family opened slowly, and the three of the Leng family walked in. As soon as she reached the gate, Zhao Xiaoxuan greeted her.

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