As soon as they entered the door, they saw a four or five-year-old child, holding the boss's robot in one hand, and a young woman in the other, and said excitedly: "Mom, mom, when will the swimming pool be dug? Can Enen raise goldfish in it?"

  Mu Qingyu said: "The little goldfish ordered will come soon, but they are not swimming in the swimming pool, but in the aquarium."

   While talking, another car suddenly stopped behind several reporters. "Excuse me please please."

  The reporters all turned aside, seeing four strong men carrying a glass about two meters long, one meter wide, and two meters high into the door, several reporters jumped. At this time, Mu Qingyu led Mu Shangen back, and several reporters saw that she was wearing a loose style, warm tones, and a camel-colored cashmere shawl on her shoulders, which looked casual, lazy and noble. The lower abdomen is slightly raised, and there is a faint smile on the face. She doesn't look like a particularly eye-catching beauty, but she is very comfortable.

   And the little boy she was holding in her hand was the one in the legend—her illegitimate child, right?

  Although there are rumors outside that this little boy may not be her biological son, but who would believe it? It is very likely that she made up her own words in order to marry into Leng's family.

  Thinking of this, these reporters couldn't help but start to despise her in various ways—they can do this to their own children, and they don't know how to beat Lin Shao.

   But let alone, although such a woman is despised by others, she usually gets the best.

  Mu Qingyu doesn't know how these reporters got here. Anyway, today is just an interview, and there is no need to take photos or videos, so let's make a little mess at home.

   "Are you reporters?"

  One of the reporters nodded: "Hello, are you Mu Qingyu? We are reporters from "Metropolis Weekly", and we made an appointment at ten o'clock in the morning to interview."

  Mu Qingyu smiled: "Sorry, it's a bit messy here, please come here."

  She stretched out her arms and led them to the living room next to her.

  Several reporters followed them, and the reception room was next to it. It was a quiet small courtyard, leaning against the wall, and outside was a field of lavender. It will be beautiful if it is the midsummer season.

   "Please sit down." There are small round tables and white wicker chairs covered with warm-colored fabric cushions, which look very pleasant.

  Mu Qingyu called a few people to sit down: "Please wait a moment, Yunlin will be back soon. Enen, come."

   Mu Shangen blinked and looked at the reporters, holding the big robot half as tall as him in one hand, and holding Mu Qingyu's small hand in the other, and pulled him out.

   As soon as several people sat down, the nanny brought refreshments. The reporters thought that they could inquire from the people next to them, which might be quite objective. One of the reporters quietly asked, "Well, Mu Qingyu and Lin Shao, are they getting married?"

  The nanny smiled: "Of course. Our young master loves Miss Mu." She originally lived in Leng's old house, but was brought here by Leng Yunlin to take care of Mu Qingyu. After all, she is pregnant now, and Mu's mother is getting old. Leng Yunlin is afraid that it may be dangerous for her to take care of Enen's child and Mu Qingyu's pregnant woman.

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