That's why he hired a few professional nannies from Leng's house.

  The reporter asked suspiciously: "Then, what about the child beside her?"

   "Oh, you said Enen, he is very obedient and obedient." The nanny said with a smile. This nanny is not the one in the villa in City C, and he knows that Mu Shangen had an awkward fight with Leng Yunlin. As soon as she came, she saw a picture of "a loving father and a filial son".

   "That's not what I meant." The reporter blinked, "I'm asking, are Young Master Lin and the child getting along well?"

   "Of course." The nanny nodded. At the beginning when she came from Leng's house, she was not very used to facing this child, but Mu Shangen was obedient, cute and sensible, which made her feel a little more fond of him. "Not to mention anything else, have you seen such a big commotion in the backyard? This is the swimming pool that our young master dug for Enen."

   "What?" Several reporters looked at each other, "You mean, the swimming pool was dug in the back because the kid likes it?"

   "Yes." The nanny smiled, "Enen's clothes and toys, as well as the glass that was just moved, are said to be used as an aquarium. This is because children like small goldfish."

   Just as she was talking, Enen was wearing a newly bought little padded jacket and a little hat, wrapped up like a little snowball. Pulling the hem of the nanny's clothes: "Grandma Hu, Grandma Hu, my mother said that I have washed the fruit and asked you to bring it over. There are also two plates, which are for the uncle who digs the hole for the back, and the uncle who moves the glass in the front. There is also a small plate of fruit for you to eat."

   "Hey, how dare you bother Ms. Mu to do it? It would be bad if it hurts the child." The nanny shook her head and apologized to the reporters here: "Then I'll go get the fruit first, you guys sit down first."

  The reporters naturally agreed, and they wanted to follow Mu Shangen as he looked at the pissed-off. The reporters summed up and stopped him immediately: "Kid. Kid."

   "Uncle and aunt, are you talking about me?" Mu Shangen turned his head and pointed his chubby paws at his face.

   Several reporters nodded immediately: "Yes, kid, come here."

  Mu Shangen stopped in a little doubt, and looked around, but didn't move.

  A reporter found it interesting. In all fairness, this is really a beautiful child, with a sculpted appearance, wearing cute children's clothes, and wearing a snow-white rabbit fur hat. There is also a small ball the size of a fist on the back of the hat. When he was running, the little ball would sway left and right, appearing extraordinarily agile.

   Moreover, his skin is fair, with a faint pink on his cheeks, he looks like a little golden boy holding a big fish in a New Year painting, very cute.

   Seeing his tilted head, the reporter laughed: "Little friend, come here, uncle will give you sweets."

   Unexpectedly, Mu Shangen took a few steps back again and again, with a flustered expression on his face: "Mom said that the uncle who gave En En a lollipop is a villain! Look at it once, and run once."

  When they saw the children running away, how could these reporters agree? They just want Mu Shangen to stay and get some news from the child!

  Children can't lie. From his mouth, you should be able to get a lot of top-secret information, right?

   Several reporters quickly stopped him: "My little friend, uncles and aunts are not bad people."

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