1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 943: .Seize the child (2)

  At this stage, the patient must overcome the pain, move the body under the guidance of the doctor, and with assistance for a long time, massage and other treatments can hope to recover.

   So far, Su Chengkai's treatment is not bad. Although she didn't go to the hospital recently, she also instructed the doctor who took over her how to deal with the condition. So far, the effect is pretty good.

  She nodded: "Your father still needs more exercise. Now that the right nervous system can accept instructions, then he can do some recovery activities appropriately. Don't let him always lie on the bed or use a wheelchair for transportation. You should encourage him to walk more and exercise more."

  Mo Shaochen is also a doctor himself, so of course he knows it very well. He nodded: "I see. I'll tell Dad to be careful. He's actually more impatient than me. He wishes he could walk as fast and move freely as before. "

  Feng Linxue nodded, and the family fell into silence again. After a long time, Mo Shaochen suddenly said, "Actually, Uncle Leng, Aunt Feng, I'm here today to ask you something."

   "Tell me." Feng Linxue glanced at him and replied.

   "I want to take my son Enen back." Mo Shaochen stared blankly at Leng Haotian and Feng Linxue with sincere eyes.

  In the room, it was quiet for several seconds.

   After a long time, Leng Yunting suddenly asked: "What did you say?"

  Mo Shaochen looked at him: "I want to return to Enen, not only me, but also my father. I sincerely hope that I can take back my son and reunite him with my family."

   "A family reunion? It's easy to say!" Leng Yunting snorted, "Do you think that if you say a word, we will hand over the child to you? What do you think of our Leng family?"

  He doesn't care at all about that brat dragging the oil bottle. However, if someone dared to openly come to ask for a child, then he would naturally stand by the Leng's family and his brother's side!

  "Mr. Leng, I know that you and your younger brother have a very good relationship. But no matter how good the relationship is, you should say something fair, right?" Mo Shaochen said with a good temper, "Enen is my own son, and it's only natural for me to want to return him. In the past few years, I couldn't remember about Enen because of amnesia. But now that I think about it, I also want to fulfill my responsibility as a father."

   After speaking, the entire Leng family fell silent.

  In any case, Mo Shaochen is Mu Shangen's biological father. In terms of blood, Mo Shaochen certainly has the qualifications to fight for Mu Shangen's custody.

  However, there are also people who object. For example, this little guy who is holding a durian egg **** on the table and looking wary: "Uncle, tell me, you are Enen's daddy, right?"

  Mo Shaochen took a look and found that the person talking to him was a five-year-old boy sitting on the sofa between Leng Yunting and Luo Qingxue. Blonde, blue-eyed, looks like a doll, very cute and handsome. The little guy's pale pupils stared at him for a moment, and Mo Shaochen knew that this was the little guy with albinism in the legend, the son of Leng Yunting. He nodded: "Yes."

  Xiaobao's eyeballs rolled: "Then, you want to take Enen away, don't you?"

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