1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 944: .Seize the child (3)

  Mo Shaochen said: "Enen is my son. I certainly hope that he can be by my side."

   "Really?" Xiaobao frowned, "You want to take Enen away, isn't it because you like little aunt?"

  The child's words startled the adults. It's all because the adults didn't avoid him when they were discussing Mu Qingyu and Leng Yunlin, and Xiaobao, a clever little ghost, overheard him.

  What did he know? Enen's dear father, is the little aunt's brother-in-law? The little aunt's brother-in-law likes the little aunt, and wants to steal his wife from his uncle?

  Xiaobao has watched a lot of urban emotional sadomasochism family ethics dramas. In the movies, there are too many scenes where brothers rob a wife. He naturally drew inferences from one instance and brought those things to the little aunt.

   And now, this uncle who suddenly appeared wants to take En En away, hum, don't think that he can lie to him just because he is young! If you are not interested in adults, why take away children?

  Mo Shaochen got a big blush, he never expected that it was a five-year-old brat who exposed his inner thoughts all of a sudden!

   "That's another matter. But, Enen is my son, I want to take him away, I hope you don't stop him."

  Before the lord opened his mouth, Xiaobao put his hands on his hips and scolded again: "Huh, why, take it away if you say you want to! Enen is the one I'm covering!"

   When he spoke with great momentum, Leng Yunting scolded him: "Xiaobao!"

  But even though he scolded, there was a distinct smile on the corner of his mouth. That is, who do you think you are, you come to the door and say a few words, I will return this child to you?

  Luo Qingxue also said: "Mr. Su, you are Enen's father, and we can understand your desire to take care of your son. But, you seem to have made a mistake. We are not Enen's legal guardians. Yunting, my parents-in-law and I have no right to let Enen come back to you. If you really want to get Enen back, you should discuss it with Yunlin and Qingyu instead of coming to work with us."

  Mo Shaochen nodded: "I also know, but no matter how I contact Qingyu here, she doesn't answer the phone, and I don't know where she and Leng Yunlin live. My father is sick in bed, and he really misses his grandson very much. I really have no choice but to come here."

   "I'm sorry about this." Luo Qingxue shook her head, "We are only Yunlin's cousins. Yunlin has parents, and Qingyu also has a mother. If you really want to take back Enen's custody, please go find them yourself. In addition—"

  Luo Qingxue also said: "I know you are En En's biological father, but Qing Yu has raised En En for so many years, and the friendship between the two is very deep. Besides, Qing Yu's legal guardianship is also a matter of course. If En En is willing to be with you, we have nothing to say. But if he doesn't want to follow you, we can't force it."

  Mo Shaochen was a little shocked. He didn't expect that the other party would say such a thing.

  Actually, it was Su Chengkai who came to Leng's old house today. He also knew that Mu Shangen's custody rested with Mu Qingyu. Moreover, when she adopted Mu Shangen, the legal procedures were sound and she fully met the conditions for adoption. If she insists on refusing to return the custody of the child, and Enen likes her more, even if they go to court, the judge will not favor them.

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