1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 952: .shared memory (2)

   Several people at the scene were embarrassed to death, especially Mo Shaochen, before he had time to say a word, Mu Shangen had such an attitude. But let alone, Xiao Bao expressed disdain for his behavior: "Hey, are you a boy? How can a boy cry casually?"

  Mu Shangen ignored him, as if at this moment, he was really worried that Mu Qingyu would abandon him, and cried extremely badly.

   Leng Yunlin breathed a sigh of relief, this kid is still an acting school! I usually don't see it!

  Mu Qingyu immediately embraced En En, turned her head to look at everyone in the Leng family, and finally landed on Mo Shaochen.

  She said: "I rushed over just after receiving the call, and Enen was crying all the way." She said, still bowing her head, as if wiping her tears: "I also know that Enen is not my biological son. Originally, the father of the child came to the door. I should be more magnanimous and let the child out."

  She deliberately used the word "let", as if Mu Shangen was a commodity that could be traded, instantly embarrassing everyone present.

   "But, but... I really don't want to part with it." In the car, Leng Yunlin discussed it with Mu Qingyu. Although she despised him, when she got here, she couldn't help using the method Leng Yunlin taught her—to show weakness.

  The way she shows weakness is to play the family card. After all, her relationship with Mu Shangen for so many years is not fake. Blindly being strong may not be able to win the sympathy of others.

   "Eunen was found to have congenital heart disease after birth. My sister died because of dystocia, and her brother-in-law's whereabouts are unknown. In fact, at the beginning, my mother opposed my raising Enen. Our family seemed to be very miserable during that time, and my father disappeared. The money in the family was not enough for Enen's treatment. My mother suggested that Enen be sent to an orphanage."

  Mu Qingyu was deliberately showing weakness, but when he thought of the difficulties during that period, he couldn't help but feel sad, "It's really pitiful for such a young child to lose his parents and suffer from this disease. After all, Enen is also my sister's son, so I kept him by my side. However, the money at home was not enough for his treatment, and the medical conditions were not as good as those in Yancheng, so I brought him back. Savings. En En has been very obedient since she was a child, and never cried. But the more he is like this, the more I feel sorry for him."

  Mu Qingyu stroked Enen's hair, with inexplicable emotions flickering in her eyes, like a stick, stirring up the originally settled water to become muddy. The pain that had been hidden for a long time had already been buried in the depths of her memory, but it was stirred up in an instant and flowed into her mind wave after wave.

   "It was really difficult at that time. I still remember that Enen was only one year old. In winter, Yancheng was so cold, but I couldn't even pay the heating bill. There was no hot water in the house, and I had to use cold water to wash Enen's diapers. Up to now, I still have chilblains on my hands in winter. It was at that time. Enen's milk powder was gone, and she was so hungry that she cried, cried, and couldn't breathe. When she got sick, her lips turned black. It scared me. I can only stay by his side every day. Because I have to take care of him, I don’t have a formal job.”

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