1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 953: .shared memory (3)

   "Several times, I wanted to jump off the roof with him in my arms! If he dies, it's over, and I won't suffer from these troubles again."

   Not to mention, the pain of these bottom-line struggles has never been experienced by anyone present. Needless to say, the members of Leng's family have been well-clothed and well-fed since childhood. Before Luo Qingxue met Leng Yunting, although she had a hard time for a few years, she was still alone at that time, and it was not very difficult for one person to feed the whole family without hunger. Even though he went through hardships when he gave birth to Xiaobao, at least he didn't go hungry or cold. As for Mo Shaochen, although he was not rich in his adoptive father's house before, he was not struggling below the poverty line like Mu Qingyu, who ran out of ammunition and food.

  However, hearing her say this, it seems that, following her words, I can recall her predicament at that time.

  Leng Yunlin was also heartbroken, walked over and gently stretched out his arms, wrapping his arms around her shoulders.

  Mu Qingyu took a deep breath, as if suppressing the moisture in her eyes.

  "At that time, it was so difficult for me to even raise him, let alone treat his illness. After Enen was one year old, the situation improved. He became obedient, and even if he was left at home, he would not cry. I just came to Leng's Group and found a job as a salesman. I still remember that one day I came back late from a business discussion, and I was so impatient that I was afraid of starving him. Learned to take care of myself. Seeing me come back, he handed me an apple... As soon as I saw him like this, I swore at that time that even if I tried my best, I would cure Enen's illness and make him healthy and happy."

  When she said this, her eyes sparkled. She is not afraid anymore, the little things of so many years, Enen has already penetrated into her life. Those memories that felt painful and soft when touched, the memories of the two of them depended on each other, had penetrated deep into her body and merged into her flesh and blood.

  Although they are not biological mothers and children, Enen’s birth, growth, rolling over for the first time, sitting and standing for the first time, crawling for the first time, babbling for the first time, calling “Mom” for the first time, and throwing herself into her arms waddlingly for the first time, these shared memories are more precious than the blood relationship between a biological mother and child!

  She gave up many opportunities for him, countless blind dates, conflicts with Leng Yunlin, and disagreements with her mother, but she never regretted it!

  Because, Mu Shangen, whom she raised with her own hands, also gave her many bitter and happy memories. Even Leng Yunlin couldn't replace those four years!

  He is her life, no matter what, she will never give up on Enen!

   "I said this, not to gain any sympathy. I just... just..." Mu Qingyu's eyes flashed, and she lowered her head to look at the little guy in her arms. Mu Shangen also happened to look up at her. A tear fell on his cheek, it was hot, as if it carried the soft temperature of her body, it burned his small atrium, and it was warm for a while.

   "Mom." Mu Shangen stopped crying, as if he understood what she meant, but hugged her even tighter, as if, this is his whole world!

  She looked at Mo Shaochen with extremely sad eyes: "Brother-in-law, I know that Enen is your real son."

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