1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 954: .shared memory (4)

   "Brother-in-law, I know that Enen is your own son. I can understand that you want him to come back to you. But, I can't leave Enen, and I can't live without Enen, really can't..."


  The scene was silent.

   It seems that a sour, soft, and at the same time somewhat depressive belief is pressing on everyone's heart. Leng Yunlin hugged Mu Qingyu tightly, he thought, he can understand why Mu Qingyu's heart, Enen is the number one. Some past, he has no way to participate. And those precious memories are created by them together. Even he can't change it.

   Regardless of her motive for adopting Enen in the first place, it was because she blamed herself for killing Mu Qingxi, and it was her unrequited crush on Mo Shaochen. However, their relationship has long sublimated and become unbreakable over the years. When dealing with feelings, she can be selfish, stingy, and not see his contribution, but she has never owed Mu Shangen a single iota.

  Because, in this child's heart, Mu Qingyu is his mother, everything to him!

  Even though she is ruthless and selfish on the surface, she actually has the softest heart inside. He thought that their future children would be very happy. Because, he not only has a father who loves him, a mother who likes him, but also a little brother who plays with him.

  For men, she is stingy and cold-blooded. But for a pure child, she would rather give everything!

  After a long time, it was Xiaobao who spoke first, and he patted Mu Shangen on the shoulder: "It turns out that your Xinxin was not good when you were born! Besides, it turns out that you and your little aunt had a miserable life."

   On the one hand, the child is full of sympathy, on the other hand, he feels that he has an instant advantage over Mu Shangen.

  He said: "I'm a bit better than you. Although I was born like a foreign child and can't see the sun, my daddy treats me very well! But don't worry, uncle is a good person, at least better than the bad guys! If you follow uncle, you will definitely not be worse than me now!"

   "Little Treasure!" Leng Yunting scolded this guy again, but Luo Qingxue who was beside him stood up, walked to their mother and son, took her hand and said, "Don't be sad, all this is over. Look, how good Yunlin treats you now! Enen also likes you and trusts you."

  Women are naturally emotional animals, and Luo Qingxue got along well with her, and her sympathy surged instantly, even Dong Jiachang, who had always disliked her, listened. And Mu Qingyu just nodded submissively, looking very obedient.

  Feng Linxue also stood up and said: "Qingyu, you are pregnant, what are you still standing up for? Sit down!"

  Seeing her holding Enen's hand and sitting on the sofa beside her, she also said: "You are pregnant, so you can't be too sad, so as not to hurt the child. Yunlin! You too, don't persuade her to order!"

   "Auntie, I was wrong." Leng Yunlin immediately apologized like a dog. Then he also sat beside Mu Qingyu. With Mu Shangen among them, it really looked like a family.

  When Mo Shaochen heard what Mu Qingyu said, he also had mixed feelings in his heart. Especially, when he heard that Mu Qingyu had such a miserable life, he also felt a little sore and uncomfortable. The last thing, after a big circle, still returned to the original point.

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