1 Billion A Day: Start Investing In Regenerative Technology!

Chapter 65 Regenerative Technology Has Appeared! 【Seeking Follow-Up Order, Seeking Full Order! 】

This is not the first time something like this has happened.

In these two months, Su Zhan has already experienced no less than 10 assassinations!

It was fine at first.

These people are just lurking, spying to collect intelligence, and want to steal the confidential information of technology, and they don't intend to make things big.

However, after Su Zhan secretly met with the Minister of Military and Aircraft of the Dragon Kingdom, and officially agreed to share the technology of rescue robots with the military of the Dragon Kingdom, and fully assist the military of the Dragon Kingdom in the batch construction of rescue robots, the killing intent from all sides It boiled instantly!

They dispatched batch after batch of top spy agents.

He does not hesitate to hire those notorious international mercenaries internationally.

Don't hesitate to release the bounty for the head of the Su Zhan project in the underground world, the bounty is as high as 100 million US dollars!

He didn't hesitate to bribe the insiders of Xinsheng Technology, and wanted to cooperate with the inside and the outside......

All in all, they have tried every means, but the end result is also obvious, none of them worked.

Even so far, they don't know how Wei Zhan escaped their sophisticated assassination plan!

They only know that Su Zhan has his own private protection group.

The strength of this group belongs to the top in the world, and everyone has had extremely brilliant records... Now all of them have been paid by Su Zhan with a lot of money and have become Su Zhan's pawns.

But what makes them puzzled is.

The way Su Zhan deals with them is really too "magical"!

The connection point that was conspired only half an hour ago.

As a result, it was taken away in a blink of an eye.

The message was sent twenty minutes ago.

As a result, it became known all over the city.

The killer who clearly arrived ten minutes ago.

As a result, as soon as he arrived at the scene, the killer found himself in an ambush, and at least more than 100 guns were aimed at him...

There are countless things like this.

Agents and spies from various countries have been cautious, but they still cannot escape Su Zhan's 417 ambush.

Just like that.

Obviously they had made all the preparations, but as soon as they tracked to the overpass, the vehicle failed!

The failed assassinations again and again made all countries start to look at Su Zhan with admiration.

But the countries didn't have the slightest intention to stop at this point... On the contrary, because Su Zhan was hard to kill, the agents they sent out became stronger every time!

Almost every few days, a group of spies, assassins and killers will arrive in the Dragon Country, and they will all gather in the Imperial Capital.

For this reason, Dragon Kingdom officials conducted a strict screening of the various inflow channels of the Imperial Capital...Combined with the intrusion recognition of strong artificial intelligence, the first line of defense can basically stop nearly 80% of the assassins.

Wait for those 20% of the fish that escaped the net to approach Su Zhan... If they choose to change their appearance, change their appearance, and get a new fake identity to approach, the intelligence investigation team will immediately carry out the madness of the eighteen generations of their ancestors Investigation, as long as there are any clues, they will be tied up on the spot without saying a word!

If they choose to hide in the dark and approach, the strong artificial intelligence centered on Su Zhan at all times, constantly invading and monitoring everyone within a radius of one kilometer, will quickly issue an early warning.

Therefore, so far, none of the assassins can get close to Su Zhan.

As for the secret agent killers lurking around the safe house, the reason why Su Zhan asked them to follow the overpass before shooting was purely out of trouble.

They want to stare.

Then keep them staring!

Wait until they officially make a move, and then kill them... so as not to kill a batch, there will be another batch sent over there, and there will be a steady stream.

In any case, we have to make a time difference, so that there is a little useless work over there.

that's all.

Professor Zhou finally arrived at the super laboratory successfully, and started the experiment of regenerative technology without stopping!

Time turned and a phase passed.

This month, the outside world is still relatively calm, and everyone is immersed in various electronic products equipped with artificial intelligence technology.

For example, Xiao Ai has successfully upgraded the rice technology mobile phone. Not only can you have a complete conversation with her, but she can also search for your favorite videos, favorite novels, and favorite music. After integrating and analyzing big data, she will give you various recommendations. .

She can help you organize your photo albums, send messages when your hands are empty, and if you don’t know where you are, she can guide you to a safe place...if you encounter any trouble , she can even help you call the police as soon as possible!

Not only that.

Struggle every day and don’t know what to order for takeaway? She will give you advice.

Parents come to urge you to get married and don’t know how to deal with it? She will search for answers on the Internet and give you answers.

Parents don’t know how to use Taobao to buy things on their mobile phones? Remotely, she can help with one click!

Whether it is children, young people, middle-aged people, or the elderly, artificial intelligence can meet their requirements, and the scope of coverage can be as wide as possible.

At the same time, because of wireless charging technology and artificial intelligence technology, the combination of the two has made domestic mobile phones almost no longer have any shortcomings, and has successfully reached a new level, directly reducing the sales of Apple and Samsung to an unprecedented level. !

At the beginning, many people would say that Apple is not stuck, Apple is durable, Apple’s system is smooth, there are few advertisements, etc.. However, these pain points are all solved by the arrival of artificial intelligence!

Android phone card is nothing more than too many trivial files, she can help you delete them with one click.

The system is not smooth enough, that’s because the settings are not perfect, if you can adjust the animation delay, sliding damping, etc., you can immediately have the same user experience as the Apple system.

As for advertisements and the like, you can block them whenever you want. For this reason, iQiyi, Youku, and Tencent Video also talked with major mobile phone manufacturers, and finally decided to release some advertisements.. lest everyone lose money.

Except for cell phones.

There are also smart homes such as refrigerators, TVs, air conditioners, water heaters, etc. "all of which are equipped with artificial intelligence.

Some people may think that these gadgets need to be paired with artificial intelligence?

A lot of people feel a little redundant at first.

Refrigerators are purely ice. Why do you need artificial intelligence? Can it help with refrigeration?

The TV is also a little bit useful, and can help you find channels, tune channels and the like.

But for air conditioners and water heaters, it’s not troublesome to turn them on manually, and artificial intelligence is superfluous!

However, when people started to use these (abab) electrical appliances with artificial intelligence, they immediately called out one by one: "It smells so good!"


Take the refrigerator as an example. Artificial intelligence can’t help you refrigerate, but it can give you suggestions, which foods should be stored where, which foods should be set at what temperature, which foods are about to expire and must be disposed of quickly, and which foods should not be frozen. Too long to wait..... AI is like a miniature nutritionist, giving the most correct and scientific advice on freezing!

Then there's the air conditioning.

You want to be cool and save electricity, how to calendar?

Artificial intelligence can directly turn on the air conditioner for you, adjust the most suitable temperature and mode, and turn it off directly when it is almost ready... Save electricity from the beginning to the end.

And if you sleep cold in the middle of the night, it will help you adjust.

If you feel hot when you sleep in the middle of the night, just shout and it will automatically turn on.

If you leave and forget to turn off the air conditioner, you don’t need to operate it, it will automatically turn it off for you!

Although these things are very subtle, they have greatly improved everyone's sense of happiness when using air conditioners.

There is also a water heater.

Some water heaters need to be heated for a minute or two in advance, and sometimes the temperature control is not good, and it is easy to be too hot or too cold....... All these artificial intelligence can solve it!

As long as you say you want to take a bath, the water heater will automatically turn on and start heating when you don't need to go to the toilet. When the temperature is enough, it will call you to come and take a bath...

It is precisely because of the above.

Once countless people use these artificial intelligence appliances, they will never be able to do without...... Even before going to bed every day, if you don't listen to the air conditioner and tell him a story, what will happen if you read a story

They can't sleep!

In this way, artificial intelligence began to penetrate into every corner of Longguo society.

From the city to the county, from the county to the countryside... Because these artificial intelligence appliances are so cheap, every household can afford them, so that they can be seen everywhere!

The national ones are happy, and they are crazy about buying.

Manufacturers naturally make a lot of money and are overjoyed.

As a supplier, Xinsheng Technology is even more ruthless in extracting profits..... Su Zhan's profit is even more terrifying. Counting the revenue from mobile phones, automobiles, medical care and other fields, Xinsheng Technology has the highest monthly net profit. The profit has reached an unprecedented 513 huge!

It is equivalent to Su Zhan not having to do anything every day, and he can earn an extra 2 billion!

However, at this moment, Su Zhan doesn't have any thoughts about these revenues and profits at all.

Now he is in Professor Zhou's super laboratory.

"Brother, can this thing really make my legs come back?"

In the laboratory, in a clean and flawless scientific and technological cabin, a man who had both legs amputated and was about sixty years old was lying on it, asking a little worriedly.

The science and technology cabin is semicircular.

Like half an egg, it is propped up by a cylinder and suspended in mid-air.

Wrapped outside the technology cabin is a white arched machine that looks like a CT scan of the brain in a hospital.

Just by looking at it, it is full of science fiction and futuristic.

"Don't worry, I've tried it many times, and the success rate is 100%. You just lie down obediently and don't move around, or you will have problems with your legs later. Don't say I didn't warn you in advance! "Professor Zhou glared at his younger brother.

"Okay, brother, I'll trust you once, if I can really get my legs back, I will never contradict my sister-in-law again!"

"That's what you said, don't let your sister-in-law nag you again, you are impatient!"

"A real man keeps his word!"

In this way, Professor Zhou's younger brother quietly lay flat in the science and technology cabin, allowing the transparent cabin shell to close slowly.

"Brother, if this grandpa's legs are cured, does that mean there is hope for my legs too?"

Among the onlookers, apart from Professor Zhou, the researchers of the research team, Su Zhan, and Su Xiaoyu.

"Yes, Professor Zhou has already conquered regenerative technology and conducted many experiments. After success, he applied it to his younger brother... But today is also the first time I have seen the application of regenerative technology. You'll have to watch it to know the specific effect." The fiery color in Su Zhan's eyes flickered.

After waiting for so long, he finally ushered in the most important moment in his life!

Regenerative technology has been perfectly born from the hands of Professor Zhou.

Professor Zhou's 17 years of hard research in the thinking house has finally made regenerative technology a reality today!

As long as Professor Zhou's younger brother's legs are healthy, there is no doubt that Su Xiaoyu can stand up again and have a life that a normal person should have!

Nothing makes Su Zhan's heart beat more than this moment. .

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