1 Billion A Day: Start Investing In Regenerative Technology!

Chapter 66 3D Printing Human Body Regeneration! 【Seeking Follow-Up Order, Seeking Full Order! 】

"start up!"

Following Professor Zhou's order, the researcher pressed the switch.

I saw a row of red mesh lines shooting out of the white arched semicircle device.

It looks like a red wall of laser light.

In the science and technology cabin, a pile of white mist was sprayed out quickly.

Professor Zhou's younger brother only inhaled a little bit of the white mist, and felt intensely drowsy. Finally, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"This is an anesthetic spray." Su Zhan said.

"Yes, Mr. Su, these sprays can make people fall into the deepest sleep, and will not trigger some hidden diseases in patients due to subconscious disturbance." Professor Zhou said.

Su Zhan knows what Professor Zhou refers to as a recessive disease.

Similar to epilepsy and epilepsy.

The patient is often induced by unknown circumstances after a deep sleep, and the body twitches in various ways, and the scene is quite scary, but after the patient wakes up, he does not remember such an experience at all. It's just a dream.

Anesthesia spray is to prevent the onset of this type of recessive disease and affect the progress of regeneration.

After a while, the nutrient solution began to pour into the technology cabin rapidly.

But this time the nutrient solution is different from the human medical repair cabin.

The nutrient solution in the human medical repair cabin is green.

And the technology cabin is red!

"Red?" Su Zhan was surprised.

"President Su, this is the latest medical formula. It is not only mixed with various precious medicinal materials, but also some ores, metals, and animal flesh and blood elements... There are many kinds, and I also spent a lot of time in the thinking room. It took more than ten years to finally break through the limitations between various material elements and blend them all together!" Professor Zhou's eyes were burning, "It is also because there are so many materials involved, so its value is also extremely high. The value of the nutrient solution is at least a million dollars or more.”

A cabin of nutrient solution costs millions of dollars.

It is conceivable how many expensive gadgets Professor Zhou has added...and using this thing for experiments, it is really uncertain without spending more money!


In less than a minute, the red nutrient solution filled the entire science and technology cabin to the brim, and the body of Professor Zhou's younger brother was completely immersed in it. With steady breathing, one or two bubbles would float up.

"Start moving!"

Carrying the body of Professor Zhou's younger brother, it passes through the red laser wall little by little.

Everyone held their breath, waiting for the result to appear.

Although Professor Zhou and those researchers have conducted experiments on many animals such as white mice, monkeys, turtles, and fish during this period of time, including a human volunteer with a broken arm... ...and all with success.

But no one knows whether there will be unexpected situations due to the emergence of any other factors.

For example, animals such as mice and monkeys have successfully regenerated, which shows that Professor Zhou and the others were careful and accurate enough when constructing the biological model, without any omissions, and they can completely regenerate and recover.

Furthermore, the human volunteer, who broke his right arm, successfully regenerated it in the end, which also shows that they did not have any accidents in the modeling of the right arm.

And this time, it was the legs of Professor Zhou's younger brother.

The modeling of the legs, they are also very careful, every nerve, vein, bone, blood vessel, skin tissue, etc. that may be involved... All have been done by Professor Zhou and their researchers in the thinking house for many years built on experience.

Even the extremely rare and special situation that everyone has different constitutions, some people may have six toes, and some people may only have four toes, has been taken into account by them...in order to be more comprehensive, More perfect to create a real regenerative technology!

But even at this point, they can't relax.

It must be treated with the most rigorous attitude and every time is a new attempt.

So they also followed the heartbeat and became extremely nervous.

"Get in touch."

Professor Zhou's younger brother's hair has come into contact with the red laser wall.

When the two came into contact, the original speed of two centimeters per second suddenly dropped to one millimeter per second, which became very slow.

"President Su, now the regenerative laser is touching the patient's body, it will perform calculations based on the strong artificial intelligence program we implanted and the huge database formula, and make the most accurate judgment!"

Professor Zhou explained to Su Zhan, "Its speed can be adjusted faster, but in order to prevent accidents and any uncontrollable factors, I specially adjusted it to the current speed to ensure nothing goes wrong.

"Through this red laser wall, can the human body be repaired?" Su Zhan's eyes flashed.

"President Su, this red laser wall can judge the repaired surface and make the most accurate diagnosis in an instant. At the same time, it uses the amount of energy to neutralize the red nutrient solution in the technology cabin. At the same time, the most important point is to stimulate the human body itself. auxin!" Professor Zhou said quickly, "At first, I thought that the most reliable solution would be the nano-regeneration solution, but the technology required for that solution is too far away, and it is impossible to do it now...... The only What can be done is to stimulate the body itself and use the body's own growth system to regenerate limbs!"

"President Su, I don't know if you have heard an allusion. A scientist in Europe said that as long as a pig is broken down to a particle state, and then reassembled, it can be directly reassembled into a living human being!"

"That's what inspired me."

"The red nutrient solution contains all the nutrients needed to make up human beings. Our current technology may not be able to support us to artificially turn the red nutrient solution into skin, bones, and nerves...but The human body can!"

"Our human body is more amazing than we imagined!"

Hearing this, Su Zhan understood completely.

In fact, to put it bluntly, regenerative technology is to stimulate the dormant growth system of the human body to allow it to perform this magical work.

For example, when a person is injured, the human body system can heal the wound by itself.

But when a human nerve is broken, the human body system cannot heal the nerve by itself.

Because the difficulty of the two is different.

Wound healing is the simplest cell proliferation and fusion.

Nerve fusion is the division and proliferation of nerve fibers and the growth of axons and myelin sheaths in the form of budding. Not only the cells need to grow, but also the axon cells. Therefore, once the damage is severe, it will die directly and cannot heal itself. .

So what Professor Zhou and the others are doing now is to manually intervene in this system!

Reactivate nerve axon cells, stimulate the magical self-healing system in the human body, and let it regenerate!

Coincidentally, this red nutrient solution seems to be a puddle.

But it contains all the things that make up the human body, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, etc.... It can completely help the human body to regenerate quickly!

Everyone is waiting quietly.

Finally, the place where the limb was severed was reached.

The amputation of Professor Zhou's younger brother was not from the root as imagined, but from the part above the knee, keeping as much as possible of the thigh.

Therefore, when the red laser wall scans this place, everyone is engrossed.


Some researchers couldn't help shouting.

Su Zhan saw it.

The amputated section of Professor Zhou's younger brother's thigh was originally a pile of hideous scars, which looked as if he had been scalded.

With the sweeping of the red laser wall, these scars began to gradually disappear, followed by skin, flesh, bones, and nerves at the same speed as 3D printing

In Madness Extended Growth!

Seeing this scene, Su Zhan's heart was shocked.

Rao even he has seen the big scene.

But this picture of 3D printed human body still brought him a huge impact!

0·Ask for flowers...

"Brother, look, my God...it's amazing!"

Su Xiaoyu was so shocked that he couldn't be more shocked, he directly leaned forward, opened his eyes wide, and watched the scene carefully.

The skin is like knitting a sweater, a little silk thread is outlined, and then grows outward, spreads, and climbs.

The flesh and blood are mixed with complicated bones, nerves, and veins, all of which are growing little by little.

very slowly.

But it didn't stop.

And it was this feeling of slow growth that brought great shock to Su Zhan and Su Xiaoyu, who had never seen each other before!

They can feel the feeling that life is thriving... This feeling is like some plant growth videos, watching how plants germinate, take root, and break out of the ground along the way.

On the contrary, Su Zhan also noticed another detail————the nutrient solution in the technology cabin is invisibly decreasing!

As Professor Zhou said.

The moment the human body system is activated by the red laser wall, it begins to absorb all kinds of nutrients crazily, and uses a magical system to reshape nerves, reshape bones, and reshape flesh and blood.

Some people may wonder, how does the human body know how much to reshape?

Nonsense, the template of the human body system is the human gene!

Genetic loyalty is unique, even what a person likes to eat and drink will be recorded in the gene... This is the biggest template of the human body, the human body system does not need to think, just follow the template of the human gene Come remodel!

In this way, Yinzhan and Su Xiaoyu watched with relish for nearly half an hour.

I watched the whole process of the growth of Professor Zhou's brother's thighs, calves, ankles, toes, and soles of the feet!

"Regeneration complete!"

With the disappearance of the red laser wall, the researcher turned off the regeneration device, and the technology cabin pushed out the white arched machine little by little.

The red nutrient solution in the science and technology cabin is no longer completely filled as it was before.

It's been largely empty.

According to Professor Zhou, during the regeneration process, the nutrient solution cannot be filled, not to mention worrying that the filling process will affect the regeneration, and it will also be confused with the previous nutrient solution, which will lead to regeneration problems.

The red nutrient solution is quickly discharged.

The white mist sprayed out again.

But this time the white mist is no longer an anesthetic spray, but a wake-up spray.


Professor Zhou's younger brother woke up, and the transparent shell of the science and technology cabin quickly opened, followed by a large pile of white spray. He held the edge of the cabin and coughed the red nutrient solution in his mouth all over the floor.

"Legs.....legs, my legs are back!!"

The younger brother of Professor Zhou noticed his legs the first time he opened his eyes. When he saw that his legs were intact and familiar to him, he was filled with an indescribable surprise. All of his body and mind made him cry out uncontrollably.

Unable to wait, Professor Zhou's younger brother wanted to go to the field.

But just as he put his legs on the ground and wanted to take two steps, his legs softened and he sat down on the ground.

"Why are you so anxious? The newly regenerated legs and feet are like newborn babies. They are still very strange to you now, and they can't digest your brain's instructions at all. You have to get used to it before you can walk!" Professor Zhou blamed.

But it can be heard that Professor Zhou's tone is more joyful.

The surprise of being able to see your loved ones walk again and stand up again!

"Okay, then I'll get used to it slowly. As long as I have legs, I'm happy! Hahahaha..." Professor Zhou's younger brother laughed heartily.

"Come on, take him to the bathroom to clean up first, and then start helping him rebuild."

After Professor Zhou gave an order, he turned his head and looked at Su Xiaoyu, "Miss Su, it's your turn now."

Su Xiaoyu was taken aback.

The huge surprise seemed to overwhelm her: "Should it be me?".

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