Especially after listening to Su Zhan’s and Jiang Meng’s explanation of the satellite network full coverage technology in detail, the three bosses were even more shocked and began to feel a little panicked and restless.

As insiders, no one knows better than them how terrifying and exaggerated this satellite network full coverage technology is!

That is, nascent technology.

In other words, any network communication company, as long as this thing is launched into the sky, without consulting and cooperating with anyone, it can easily monopolize the global market, squeeze all the business of all national network communication providers into the corner, shivering.

Even if the three of them have taken advantage of all the advantages of the right time and place, in the face of this satellite network full coverage technology, there is not the slightest ability to fight back!

Just imagine, they also need all kinds of laying base stations, all kinds of manual construction, all kinds of marketing high costs, and then they have to maintain, they have to warranty, they have to maintain, and then they are overwhelmed with advertising, what packages to get, roaming services in different regions, etc…

On the other hand, the new technology has to do very simple.

They only need to launch satellites into the sky, and then carry out a lot of publicity, with the publicity volume of nascent technology, they can definitely do it to the point that everyone knows … The next thing is to make the communication cost low enough, the phone is a penny a minute, the text message does not need money, and the most important thing is that the Internet can be free!

Free internet access…

What a gimmick and sweetness is this?!

Once the majority of users listen to this, can they not run directly to the new technology?

You must know that their three major operators have also done this, and the unlimited data package is made by their side, the so-called “free Internet”.

The result?

Unlimited data is limited, a month to support you with 40G, and 60G or up to 100G of traffic… Once the upper limit is reached, the speed limit is immediately given to you.

According to Jiang Meng, the network speed they can provide can reach the maximum of the current 5G.

And due to the technical reasons he realized, it can easily carry all users around the world to use the network at the same time without any signal and network speed attenuation problems!

This technology is even more terrifying.

The reason why it can be achieved is still the use of that special magnetic field… Because of the particularity of the magnetic field, every user connected to their nascent technology network is equivalent to pulling a network cable alone, and can independently enjoy the full upstream and downstream speed of 5G!

The special magnetic field is a little more exaggerated, as long as there is a huge enough network core to support, it can copy all the uplink and downlink rates… Therefore, in theory, as long as the satellite is large enough and the server is strong enough, it can withstand users almost infinitely… However, due to current technical limitations, it can only reach the level of tens of millions at most.

But that’s enough.

Really to this point, what else do they use to compete with nascent technology?

The new technology directly crushes the bully, just lie down and make money!

At this moment, they panicked, they really panicked.

Change to any company, tell them that these are almost equivalent to fantasy, even science fiction movies dare not play such outrageous technology, they must scoff one by one, do not pay attention to it.

But it’s nascent technology that’s being told to them!

The nascent technology can even produce special cancer-killing drugs, and can the satellite full network coverage technology still be fake?

One more point is critical.

In just over a month, the emergence of anti-cancer drugs has squeezed all the global cancer drug markets into zero, and the major biotechnology companies specializing in the production of cancer drugs are on the verge of bankruptcy, forcing them to the point of having to transform… As far as they know, the behind-the-scenes bosses of many international biotechnology companies are itchy with hatred for the nascent technology, and they can’t wait to swallow Su Zhan alive, but they have no way at all.


Because Su Zhan’s awesomeness!

So many countries, so many assassins have been sent, and there are countless secret agents and spies, and what about their results in the end?

And until now, in the international underground black market network, Su Zhan’s bounty is still hanging high, but no international mercenary or killer dares to take it… Because everyone who took over the task completely stayed in the Dragon Country and completely disappeared!

Based on this, the new technology is not to say that it is to rob the market of their three major operators, even if it robs the market of all the world’s network communication giants, no one dares to move a hair.

“That… Na Su Zong, you mean…” the Unicom boss swallowed a mouthful of spit and said with difficulty.

“I know what you are worried about, and I know what you are worried about, but you should also know what kind of company is Nascent Technology.” Su Zhan smiled and said, “No matter how powerful a company is, it can’t cover everything, but if you have your help, I believe it will be able to benefit the people of the Dragon Country and even the whole country and the world!” ”

“So to let you come here today is to cooperate with you to develop this technology together!”

Hearing this, the three bosses breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts, and their moods gradually became excited.

That’s super business!

It is not just a trillion-level market, it is likely to be a trillion, a trillion, or even a higher level market!

“How, is everyone willing to cooperate?” Su Zhan asked.

“Yes, of course I do!”

“How could anyone not want to!”

“President Su, your face, of course I have to give ah, hahaha…”

The three bosses all laughed.

As they say, who else will be reluctant to cooperate with this? If you don’t want to, I’m afraid it’s all sand coins!

“Okay, then I’m going to tell you about the details of the cooperation.”

Su Zhan began to describe his plan.

There was not much content of the plan, and Su Zhan only took less than 10 minutes to let all the three bosses hear clearly.

There are three points at the core.

First, if the three major operators join, the current model of the three giants will remain unchanged, and he will also give all the use rights of satellites to the three giants, allowing them to engage in healthy competition and benign development with each other.

Of course, they also have to bear the cost of satellites and a series of subsequent expenses.

And to ensure the continuous publicity and marketing strategy of terrestrial network communications.

The three major operators promised very happily.

They are nothing more than the cost of working together to produce a satellite and the subsequent maintenance costs… As for the publicity and marketing of terrestrial network communications, they have been doing it all along, and there is no need to make any major reforms.

Second, Nascent Technology does not charge any of these fees or costs, and only collects 1% of the profits generated by the three major operators.

However, this 1% is not taken in vain, if there are still major technological updates in network communication in the future, Xinsheng Technology can provide updates for free.

For the three major operators at this point, it is how painful and painful it is to promise.

This means that the new technology does not participate in any network communication competition, it is only equivalent to a technology supplier, and they only need to make 1% of the profit. It’s just a monthly delivery to new technology, which is a great value for them!

Third, the three major operators must significantly reduce all prices in all current network communications after cooperation.

Whether it is call, SMS, MMS, traffic, etc., all packages must be given within 7 days to be recognized by Xinsheng Technology and a low enough plan!

For this, the three major operator bosses are a little hesitant.

To be honest, the price they give now is low enough, basically the volume, because of all kinds of labor, façade, base station laying, and all kinds of network communication expenses, etc., the cost is not cheap.

If it falls further, then there is really no profit space at all, but it will have to lose money.

“Three people, I guess you must still be thinking about dividing up the three melons and two dates of the Dragon Country, but don’t forget, what kind of market you are about to face!” Su Zhan, “Not one country, not two countries, not 10 countries, but all the countries on the entire planet!” ”

“Once this market is obtained, you will be in a global monopoly position, how profitable and how much money can be made at that time, I don’t need to remind you, right?”

Su Zhan’s words were like an initiation, and all three bosses were awakened in an instant!

That’s right!

What they are about to monopolize is the global market!

Once you can win this market, where do you need any unlimited data packages, what phone bills to make money, just advertising alone is enough to earn more than 10 times or even 100 times the previous money!

The three of them no longer had any hesitation, decisively clapped on the spot and chose to cooperate.

So far, a big chess game that has shrouded the world has fallen!


The cooperation of operators has been determined, and Jiangmeng side naturally began to produce satellites in large quantities.

In the blink of an eye, a month is approaching.

The outside world gradually boiled.

The whole people are looking forward to it, counting down to the official launch date of Dabai.

And just before the opening of the Great White, a good news that Su Zhan’s long-awaited finally came

Chip battery, success!!

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