Who else can the three major network operators, besides mobile, telecom, and Unicom?

These three can be described as the famous “rogue representatives” of the Dragon Country.

Monopolizing all services, with low costs, high selling prices, and all kinds of rogue bundling, has squeezed countless people of the Dragon Country for many years.

If it were not for the fact that a few years ago, many ministers of the Dragon Kingdom collectively consulted at the national conference, believing that the prices of the three major network operators are several times higher than those abroad, and the broadband network speed and other services enjoyed are one hundredth of that of foreign countries, triggering a wave of fishing wheels, and the three major operators forced by power to bow their heads, I am afraid that people still have to pay high fees and enjoy the most general network speed, and network communication is not developing as fast as it is now.

Not only that.

Since network communication belongs to the monopoly market of the three of them, there are no superfluous competitors, so that they think very highly of themselves… Whether it is a beaver or a centen, they do not pay attention to it.

Naturally, for the up-and-coming star of nascent technology, there will be no additional preferential treatment.

This is not.

Su Zhan once heard his subordinates complain, and when they communicated with the three major operators, the other party looked condescending, which made them very unhappy.

Obviously everyone is a cooperative relationship.

Even in terms of bandwidth services or advertising, Xinsheng Technology is the financial owner of the three major operators… However, they did not enjoy the treatment of a gold lord at all.

Various factors naturally buried Su Zhan’s not very good impression of the three major network operators.

But it can also be understood.

With the more and more developed Internet, there are more and more derivative industries, so that now enterprises have to rely on the big tree of the Internet to develop… Even some traditional enterprises have had to transform into Internet companies.

Naturally, as the absolute monopolists of network operators, the three giants certainly have the confidence to defy everything.

But now things have to change.

“Dr. Jiang, I will immediately ask the people below to start contacting the three major operators, and then it will be up to you to show them something about the whole network satellite coverage technology, so that they can have a good experience of the new technology of our nascent technology!”

“Okay Mr. Su!”


On the second day of the technology, the official website of Xinsheng Technology was updated.

“New technology is new again?”

“Home-based medical robots… I’ll go, isn’t this a big white ?! ”

“No, this is really made of Dabai?!”

“Wow~~ so cute!”

“Who is Da Bai?”

“That big white in the movie “Super Marines”! My God, the nascent technology actually quietly moved Dabai directly to reality! ”

“A month later? It’s too long-term, I can’t go public in a hurry, I can’t wait! ”

“Did you see the price?” Why is the price not indicated? ”

“Can nascent technology sell something expensive? Absolute value for money! ”

“No matter, hurry up and save money, you must get this big white in your hands!”

“Cute and cute, not to mention, you can also treat people, this is too much in line with my heart!”

“The production of new technology is indeed the best!”


As always, a casual small action of the nascent technology immediately aroused a huge sensation and attention on the Internet in less than a day!

Weibo hot search, Douyin hot search, Baidu hot search all kinds of arrangements.

The circle of friends and QQ space that were still talking about various other products have now directly become all kinds of pictures of Dabai, as well as screenshots of the official website of Xinsheng Technology, as well as people’s expected shouts and screams!

You know, for so long, Xinsheng Technology has never released any real electronic products sold separately.

Wireless charging technology, artificial intelligence technology, those are cooperating with various domestic enterprises, not directly. Design and sale of electronics.

The human medical prosthesis factory is also for major hospitals and clinics, and then provides it to patients.

Only the meat of the nascent agriculture is barely sold alone, but it is food, not electronics at all… Cancer killing drugs are the same, they can only belong to drugs.

Therefore, strictly speaking, this home-style medical robot is the first electronic product released by the real nascent technology so far!

And this product is not ordinary.

It is not any similar electronic product in the currently known field, but completely created a new field of new technological products!

The key is that it has also appeared in the movie, and it is a big white that makes countless people feel cute and cute, and their hearts can be melted at a glance… Can it not arouse people’s enthusiasm and excitement?

Countless netizens are all jubilant and looking forward to it, from this moment on, waiting for its official release with their hearts… As well as speculating that this family is the final price of the robot Dabai.

In this regard, various netizens and UP owners on Douyin, B station, Weibo have begun to send videos to take advantage of the popularity and guess the price of Dabai.

Some people say that it may sell for tens of thousands.

It is also said that it may be sold for more than 100,000 … Because the cost of this medical robot is by no means low, plus this is the only electronic product released by Xinsheng Technology, if the price is too low, I am afraid that even the book will not be returned.

Some people say that it may be sold for more than 500,000!

Because of this family-style medical robot, its own systems, modules, software and hardware, as well as its own research and development technology is a huge investment and expenditure.

As we all know, Xinsheng Technology has been investing in various projects in various fields, so some people speculate that the investment funds of Xinsheng Technology must have begun to bottom, to the point of exhaustion, and other funds are needed to slow down… And it is precisely this new product that can be positioned as a high-end technology product, harvesting a wave fiercely and making a lot of money for the new technology!


All in all, there are all kinds of speculations.

However, most people have made it clear that with the conscience of the new technology for so long, and the contribution they have made to this society… As long as they can afford it, they must take it without saying a word!

Just when the outside world began to set off a round of fishing ship storm again because of the appearance of Dabai, on the side of Xinsheng Technology, Su Zhan also successfully met with the big bosses of the three major operators.

It’s not the same as Su Zhan’s imagination.

He originally thought that the big bosses of these three major operators would be arrogant and domineering.

As a result, after seeing Su Zhan one by one, how enthusiastic and enthusiastic the attitude was, how bright and brilliant the smile on his face was… Directly made Su Zhandu a little confused.

After chatting for two words, he finally reacted.

It turns out that the so-called three major operators are domineering and want to divide people!

For the executives below the nascent technology, they are certainly not so buying.

But for Su Zhan, who has an official background in the Dragon Kingdom, and is rumored to have deep contacts with many ministers and gods, and has a lot of friendship, where do they dare to be domineering and arrogant?

Isn’t that uncomfortable for yourself?

And the most important thing is that when the company’s executives contacted their three major operators, the nascent technology did not have as much influence as it currently has… Looking at the new technology, not only has global influence and huge reputation, but even many of their relatives and friends rely on the cancer-killing drugs invented by the new technology to cure cancer!

In this case, the big bosses of the three major operators are of course how respectful and respectful they are to Su Zhan.

Even the operator executives who had previously contacted the executives of the nascent technology company all took the initiative to apologize, saying that they had a bad attitude last time and hoped to be forgiven.

Reach out and don’t hit the smiley face.

The other party’s posture is so low, what can Su Zhan do?

“Well, in that case, then don’t engage in those moths drama, directly amplify the moves.”

Su Zhan has no nonsense.

As soon as the meeting began, he directly threw the bombshell of this meeting.


“Wei… Satellite full network coverage technology?! ”


Not surprisingly, the big move was released, and the three bosses were shocked on the spot!

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