100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1021 of the flag and your heart (12)


Most people were convinced by the instructor's praise for Yu Chu. After all, many people couldn't stand the sun, and only the girl didn't shout a report from beginning to end.

But Lu Xueer didn't see her being praised by Instructor He, so she snorted coldly.

Yu Chu ignored him and turned back to the dormitory.

After standing in the military posture for a day, the students were exhausted and miserable, and the soles of their feet were sore. They went back to the dormitory to soak their feet in hot water, and then took a shower and washed their clothes.

The next day, the training content changed to military stance. Students were required to walk in a neat and uniform manner first, and only after the basic requirements were met, would they start to kick the stance.

At the beginning, there are naturally many problems, irregularity is the most basic, and there are many non-standard postures.

After training for a whole morning, it was considered to have a little effect. At noon, he disbanded and went to eat. Yu Chu heard a girl gossip at the dining table next to him: "Is it really that handsome?"

"Really! I heard that I only came here at noon. I just walked around the school and took countless photos along the way. You can check it out on the forum."\u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t ;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Several girls took out their mobile phones and swiped a few times, covering their mouths with star eyes, "It's so handsome..."

Yu Chu was eating and suddenly had a premonition.

She glanced at the girls.

On the way back to the playground from the cafeteria, several people heard a lot of topics about the handsome little brother in military uniform. One roommate couldn't help but complain: "How handsome is this guy, why are so many people talking about it?"

They didn't bring their mobile phones out, so naturally they couldn't go to the forum to look at them.

Lan Wanwan next to her was also thoughtful.

In her judgment, if it wasn't for Chu Bai, it shouldn't have caused such a big stir just because of her appearance.

But Chu Bai's identity, how could he come here?

Lan Wanwan suddenly bit her lip and glanced at Yu Chu.


After coming to the playground for a while, Instructor He asked them to stand in a phalanx, and then practiced the army step by row, pointing out mistakes from time to time.

What satisfied Instructor He most was undoubtedly Yu Chu, who was neither tired nor hot. The girl's steps were steady, her head held high, and although her body was too slender and petite, she looked quite military-standard and majestic.

During the training, the phalanx in the distance seemed to suddenly become agitated. Someone couldn't help but turn to look.

Unexpectedly, this time Instructor He did not criticize anyone, but stood up straight, raised his arms in salute in the direction of the commotion, and stood upright.

The instructors all turned around and saluted.

A man walked slowly from there, his long legs wrapped in military trousers, his belt and cufflinks were meticulously tied, and under his military cap, an extremely beautiful face was revealed.

very young.

Such a handsome brother soldier does not smile, his expression is indifferent, and he looks cold at first glance. The girls whispered and whispered excitedly.

"Wow, the instructors are all salute..."

"Really, it's the one on the forum, I can't see my face from such a distance, I think it's so handsome..."

"Wow wow military uniform is so cool!"

Chu Bai walked all the way to He Mingfeng's phalanx before stopping, his eyes swept across a row of blushing excited girls, slightly pursed his lips, and asked, "Teaching military steps?"

"Go back to sir, yes!" He Mingfeng replied.

"Teach me, I'll see." Chu Bai's eyes fell on a girl in the square.

She stood up straight.

The camouflage uniform was a bit large, which made the girl whiter and more tender and petite, but she stood motionless, her fingers stretched flat against her trousers, and her fair face raised under the military cap.

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