100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1022 of the flag and you are in the heart (13)


The eyes of the two met, and the girl rolled her eyes without hesitation, showing him a big smile.

Chu Bai was stunned for a second, then withdrew his gaze, lowered his eyes slightly silently, and looked at He Mingfeng: "Let's start."

"Yes." He Mingfeng saluted again.

After saluting, he turned around and continued the military steps he had just trained, still walking in rows.

With such a handsome elder brother watching by the side, the girls were all full of energy and walked attentively.

Lan Wanwan took a deep look at Chu Bai at last, and then retracted her gaze that stuck to him and followed.

"The arm is flat... Yes, yes." He Mingfeng stared at everyone strictly, when Yu Chu passed by him, he nodded involuntarily and praised, "You can look at Murongchu, her The gait has been steady and the arm placement is smooth."

Chu Bai stood in front of the phalanx and looked at the girl. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

She walks really well, not to mention strength and speed, at least her posture and attitude are very standard.

Seeing his fiancee wearing a military uniform and walking seriously, Chu Bai paused for a few seconds, his eyebrows softened slightly, and silently watched her pace.

After walking several times, seeing that the chief was still standing in the same place and did not leave with a calm expression, He Mingfeng couldn't help but feel a little strange, but he didn't dare to ask anything.

He gave the students a ten-minute break.

The students breathed a sigh of relief, sat down as required by the standard cross-section, and looked at Chu Bai curiously.

As soon as Lan Wanwan sat down, his eyes never left him.

The phalanxes next to him also began to rest one after another. The instructors lined up to report to the chief. He Mingfeng also stepped forward, but before he got to the front, he suddenly heard a girl's voice in the phalanx behind him and asked with a smile: "Instructor , can you demonstrate the military steps?"\u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

He Mingfeng turned his head, but saw the girl's gaze was directed to the front of the phalanx. She is talking to Chu Bai.

For a time, all the instructors gasped.

The students in the school don’t know how high the sky is, and it’s okay to molest the instructor. The instructor is friends with everyone, and it’s okay to joke a few times, but this one is different!

He is in a high position, but he doesn't like to make jokes. To tease him, isn't he touching the lion's head?

The instructors did not dare to speak for a while.

The students also admired it - for some reason, no one dared to speak to that person.

In the sight of the instructor and the students, the young officer paused and asked, "Do you want to see that?"

Instructors: "!!!"

The soldiers who knew this officer were all in disbelief. This person will take care of a student's request, but also a little indulgent, ask her what kind of thing she wants to see?

Lan Wanwan subconsciously clasped the pebble on the playground, her fingers sinking slightly.


Why is Chu Bai's attitude like this?

Yu Chu blinked, but then he said happily, "Zhenbu, instructor, I want to see Zhengbu."

She sat cross-legged on the ground, her slender legs were folded, her brows and eyes were crooked with a smile, and her military cap was well-dressed.

Chu Bai nodded slightly.

The students widened their eyes and saw the handsome little brother in military uniform walking with precision like an instrument. He slowly took two steps forward, his long legs wrapped in military trousers lifted up, and the standard stance aesthetic was smooth and upright.

"Ah, ah, that's what happened at the military parade! I also think it looks good when a group of people walks in neatly, but it's good to walk alone!"

"Follow him, I want to follow him!"

"It's really handsome to walk in a military uniform..."

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