100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1025 The flag and you are in the heart (16)


The girl took a few steps back, then ran over with ease, and jumped up with her small hands on his shoulders. Chu Bai subconsciously reached out to catch her, and the girl threw him in his arms. {with}{dream} щ{suimeng][1a}

The slender legs wrapped in camouflage clothes wrapped around his waist, and the petite girl was supported by the slender soldier. She reached out and took off the man's military cap with a smile.

The waistband of the military uniform was stern and beautiful, Yu Chu wrapped his legs around his waist, put his hands on his shoulders, and said with a smile, "It's tiring to talk to A-Chu, so it's just fine... Hold me tight, don't Lost."


Chu Bai wrapped his slender fingers around the girl's waist and was hung on her body with a slight embarrassment on his face.

He whispered, "You come down."

Her body was very light, and Chu Bai didn't feel anything when she was hanging on her body. Her fair-skinned fingers were on the girl's waist. He stretched out his hand to pull him away, but the girl wrapped his arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. The rogue said, "I won't go down." \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Chu Bai was in the army, and he was used to seeing soldiers who obeyed orders and were upright and serious. This was the first time he met someone who was unreasonable and obedient. He won't be frightened by him at all, and he can't treat her with the strictness of dealing with soldiers...

He held the girl's waist, but did not reach out to push her in the end, and asked, "How is your body?"

"Alright." The other party replied.

Chu Bai glanced at her and obviously didn't believe it, but he didn't say anything. He hesitated for a moment, and then whispered, "I'm at school these days, you can come to me if you have anything, if you're not feeling well, Don't hold on to training, you can't exercise vigorously."

"I know, I don't have a big deal. If I can persevere, I will persevere. If I can't persevere, I will rest." The girl still hung on him and smiled.

Chu Bai looked at her and remembered that in the camouflage uniform square on the playground today, seeing the serious appearance of the girl, she seemed to be taking military training very seriously.

She did a perfect job, but she used to be a squeamish eldest lady. If she didn't have hard work and attitude, how could she have performed differently in military training.

"You seem to attach great importance to military training." Chu Bai looked into her eyes and his voice was low.

The girl stared at him innocently for a while, then suddenly let go, let go of her legs, and jumped off him.

Chu Bai let go of her hand, and turned to hold her arm, allowing her to jump down and stand firm.

Yu Chu stood on tiptoe, put the military cap on his head again, adjusted the brim of the hat, and said with a smile: "Because my husband is a soldier, I can't shame him."

There was silence between the two for a few seconds.

Chu Bai's eyes stared at her, and she didn't expect that she would say such a reason. The sound of "husband" fell in his ear, causing the tip of the officer's ear to burn slightly.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" he said in a low voice, looking at her with clear eyes, his pale face blushed under the military cap, and he stepped back a little uncomfortably.

The girl blinked, "A-Chu, do you agree to get married?"

"What?" Chu Bai frowned at her.

"I don't know if I can recover. It's fine if I die, but if you've been weak since then, what will you do? The procedures for military marriage and divorce are very complicated..."

She was talking nonstop, but brother Bing's face was getting darker and darker. Finally, he put his hand on her top and said coldly, "What are you talking about?"

The girl stopped talking.

Chu Bai looked at her, and after a while, his expression softened slightly, but he was still stern, "I will never leave after marriage. I am a soldier, and a soldier will be loyal."

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