100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1026 The national flag is in your heart (17)


He was still a little angry, but when facing her, his tone was very soft. Beyond his eyebrows, there was the flag pole standing up at the end of the playground. The wind in the open night was blowing the lift rope next to it, standing solemnly.

Yu Chu blinked, and suddenly felt a little hot in his heart, feeling that these words were better than all love letters.

She smiled and nodded, "Then are you willing to marry me?"

After getting angry and calming down, Chu Bai was silent for a while, and was caught off guard by this question again.

He can face the battlefield and tasks meticulously, but he is at a loss before a girl's questioning.

With no experience in dealing with it, I felt a little embarrassed about the answer, but the answer was yes.

He was silent for a moment, his fingers stretched flat against his military trousers, and then he said, "If you have no opinion, just end it."

After speaking, Brother Bing bowed his head slightly unnaturally, and his index finger clasped the neckline and loosened slightly, but the girl in front of him nodded happily, raised her eyebrows and asked, "Then what's wrong with me calling your husband? Anyway, we're going to get married." \u0026amp ;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Chu Bai looked at her coldly for a few seconds, "It's not over yet."

Yu Chu could see the embarrassment in his expression, but now he is just holding on to not blush. So she nodded understandingly, "Okay okay, I was wrong."

Seeing that she was finally obedient and stopped chasing embarrassing questions, Chu Bai relaxed slightly, paused, and frowned again: "You don't need to care about military training or shame, your body is important, understand?"

"But you seem to have a very high status in the army. As your wife and dignified military sister-in-law, if I don't even do military training, wouldn't it be embarrassing for you." The girl raised her eyebrows in disapproval, not listening at all.

Chu Bai frowned even tighter, "No one is laughing at me, take care of yourself, don't let people worry."

When the words came out, Brother Bing suddenly realized what he had said, and lowered his head and coughed slightly.

"A-Chu really came here because he was worried about me," the girl said with her hands behind her back, looking up and approaching him with a smile.

Chu Bai was quiet for a few seconds, then raised his eyes and looked at her coldly, "You know, you should be more obedient."

"Know it well, if I don't participate in strenuous sports, I'll just walk!" Yu Chu hurriedly raised his hand and surrendered.

Chu Bai's face softened slightly.

"Okay, it's time for me to go back. I have to take a shower, wash my clothes, and turn off the lights at 10:30." The girl stuck out her tongue at him and made a face, "After turning off the lights, I'll go back and check the house. Arrest and write a review. A-Chu, you should mention it to the instructors, don’t be so harsh, the students who inspect the internal affairs all look like they are going to eat people, and the quilt must be folded…”

"That's basic."

When answering, Chu Bai felt slightly softer. Unlike the soldiers who complained, the mood is calm, and they can be ordered to run with weight at will.

This one in front of him is to be spoiled.

After he finished speaking, the girl suddenly blinked her eyes, leaned over, and said in a low voice, "A-Chu, it's almost half past ten. When I go back, I turn off the lights. It's inconvenient to take a shower... Can I..."

Chu Bai suddenly realized what she was going to say, his brows narrowed, and he didn't even think about it, "No."

Yu Chu was depressed, "I haven't said it yet."

"You are my soldier now, go back." The upright soldier gave her a look, showing no mercy.

Yu Chu thought about it and suddenly fell forward.

The other party immediately reached out to support her, "what's the matter?"

The voice was slightly tense.

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