100 Ways to Get the Male God

1033 The national flag and you are in the heart (24)


Many eyes around him were staring at him, Chu Bai turned around, his eyes swept across the cafeteria at will, and then walked to a corner until he came to the four girls.

"Can I sit?" he asked.

This inquiry, he just looked at a person.

"Okay, instructor, sit down." The girl asked him to sit next to her with a smile.

The girls in the cafeteria were all envious and whispered together quietly, while the two roommates at the same table were already blushing and feeling very exciting.

Wow, handsome young soldier brother.

Several people didn't dare to speak, and Lan Wanwan, who was opposite, was slightly stiff and pursed her lips.

She... had never been so close to him.

"What are the instructors doing this morning, I didn't see you." Only the girl next to me dared to talk.

"It's nothing." Brother Bing replied coldly. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

His speech habits are simple and capable, but he feels cold and hard. Lan Wanwan looked up at him and saw that person's cold eyebrows, high nose bridge, and thin and beautiful lips.

The most striking thing is his benchmark-like temperament, as if he is always upright and straight.

Yu Chu introduced with a smile, "I don't know the instructor yet, this is Lan Wanwan, my roommate."

Chu Bai raised his eyes to look at her, saw the girl's smiling expression, and immediately understood that she was a rival in love.

He looked at Lan Wanwan opposite.

Being suddenly introduced, Lan Wanwan was a little embarrassed, then quickly calmed down, raised her head generously, and showed a soft smile: "Hello, instructor."

She is actually quite beautiful, and the change in temperament brought about by the rebirth is enough to be unforgettable.

Chu Bai didn't speak. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Yu Chu turned to introduce the other two to him.

He nodded lightly.

After Yu Chu introduced the people, seeing that Brother Bing's plate was full of light dishes, he habitually raised a bad heart, took a piece of spicy pork from his plate and gave him a piece of spicy meat, and said with a smile: "Instructor, this dish is from our cafeteria. The specialties are fragrant and spicy, you can try it."

The people next to her were amazed that she dared to serve the instructor, and the instructor who was closer to them lowered his head and ate silently, not daring to say a word.

Chu Bai paused and looked at the meat slices.

He didn't move, when a soft voice suddenly came from the opposite side: "Chuchu, the instructor doesn't like spicy food."

Several people suddenly looked at her.

Even Yu Chu looked up at Lan Wanwan.

Lan Wanwan looked at the fleshy piece, and remembered the information she had learned in her previous life, some preferences about Chu Bai. Although she doesn't know much, some obvious ones can still be inquired. He doesn't like spicy food.

She smiled and looked at Chu Bai.

However, the man didn't even ask "How do you know?". He lowered his eyes and picked up the piece of meat, put it lightly on his lips, opened his lips and ate it without saying a word.

Lan Wanwan suddenly stiffened.

It's not that he feels embarrassed by being beaten in public, but it's unbelievable - he can even change his habits for Murong Chu's sake? Obviously I don't like spicy food...

After Chu Bai finished eating, he took a sip before raising his eyes to look at Lan Wanwan. With just a fluttering glance, he looked away and looked at Yu Chu again.

"It's delicious." He nodded.

Yu Chu smiled at him, and then turned around and asked Lan Wanwan, "Wanwan, how do you know that the instructor doesn't like spicy food? He obviously ate it."

Lan Wanwan glanced at Chu Bai.

The other party lowered his eyes and did not look at her.

Lan Wanwan suddenly raised her lips.


That's all for today, don't wait for the early morning, I'm on my way home, I won't code tonight, everyone has a happy Mid-Autumn Festival [of course, the main thing is to have a happy holiday]

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