100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1034 The national flag is in your heart (25)


Everyone at the table looked at Lan Wanwan, and in the eyes of everyone, she said calmly, "I saw that the instructor ordered a light meal, only one dish had green peppers, the instructor didn't touch it much, just ate it. One slice, and then I drank water, so I guess the instructor doesn't like spicy food."

After she finished speaking with a smile, the roommate next to her couldn't help looking at her with admiration, "Wan Wan, you are so attentive."

Lan Wanwan turned her head and smiled, then stared at the silhouette of the military commander on the opposite side without blinking.

Chu Bai still didn't speak.

Lan Wanwan lowered her eyes, raised the corners of her lips and said, "Chuchu, don't do bad things with good intentions. If you care about the instructor, you must first know other people's tastes."

When she said this, Yu Chu finally glanced at her with a half-smile, and suddenly nodded in admiration: "Wan Wan is really attentive, that night, I was with you for so long, do you know what I like to eat? ?"

Lan Wanwan was stunned. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

She paused, then said softly, "You like to eat fruit, especially sweet ones..."

"Yes," the girl opposite seemed very interested, and asked with great interest: "Then what I don't like to eat, do you know?"

Lan Wanwan pursed her lips.

How could she pay attention to Murong Chu's preferences. Fruits are also somewhat impressed because they have been seen too many times.

She lowered her head and did not answer.

The reborn Murong Chu is no longer simple.

I didn't guard against her before, so I didn't pay attention to her, so I couldn't answer at this time, all the good impressions I had just before Chu Bai were gone. Maybe he will feel that he is deliberately observing him.

Yu Chu looked at Lan Wanwan's expression, then turned his head to look at Chu Bai, and before he spoke, the man lightly placed the chopsticks on the plate, staring at Lan Wanwan with cold eyes. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

His voice was flat, without any emotion, as if he was facing a stranger who didn't like him, but there was a hint of indifference in his tone, "Classmate Lan Wanwan, I hope you will understand your senses in the future and don't interfere with others."

Lan Wanwan was stunned for a moment, her heart suddenly ached, her fingers under the table clenched the military training pants tightly, and she was about to be overwhelmed by the stiffness and jealousy in her heart.

She was unbearable, being so coldly warned by someone who had been obsessed with her for two lifetimes. She thought she could at least make a good impression in front of him...

But no.

Lan Wanwan took a deep breath quietly, but was not discouraged. She glanced at Yu Chu with an unsure meaning, and then bowed her head slightly to Chu Bai: "...I see, instructor."

Chu Bai retracted his gaze. He doesn't care about Lan Wanwan's mood, as long as she doesn't have an accident.

The two roommates next to him didn't dare to speak, and they could see that Lan Wanwan might have a good impression of the instructor, so he deliberately observed his preferences.

They all felt that Lan Wanwan was very careful and considerate, but the instructor didn't seem to like it...

After eating a meal with different mentalities, Chu Bai put down his chopsticks first because of being a soldier, picked up the plate one step earlier, and looked at Yu Chu: "I'll go first."

Yu Chu nodded: "Good instructor."

Chu Bai walked away, and the roommate next to him couldn't help but whispered, "Chu Chu, do you know the instructor?"

The difference between the instructor and Chu Chu was so obvious that it was hard for people to ignore it.

Yu Chu nodded, "My boyfriend."

"What?!" The two girls exclaimed, attracting the attention of the surrounding. They quickly lowered their voices, suppressed their shock, and asked incredulously, "This little brother is your boyfriend?"

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