100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1062 The flag is in your heart (53)


The influence of drug lords is all over, and it is not impossible to do something in the jungle, as long as you are brave.

After all, it is a military operation of the country. If something goes wrong, it will be strictly investigated to the end. If these drug lords really dare to do something, even if they succeed, it will be thankless.

Chu Bai raised his eyes and glanced at the sky, and the cold raindrops fell on his face, which were wiped off with no expression, and continued to walk forward calmly.

After walking for a while, he suddenly narrowed his eyes and stopped quietly. His slender fingers touched the gun clip beside his military trousers and stared at the road on the other side motionless.

A man in ordinary clothes came from there, without rain boots, the muddy ground stained his shoes, he didn't mind, walking all the way on the dirt, in the heavy rain with a cigarette in his mouth.

The fireworks went out.

The shadow of the tree covered the soldier's camouflage uniform. The man walked up to him without noticing it, and was restrained by a neat back-cut with his hands. A young voice behind him asked:

"How did you get in?"

The training is to close the mountains and forests, and no outsiders will come in.

Chu Bai stared at the man who was restrained. After the initial shock, the other party gritted his teeth with a pale face, and his fingers quietly groped the waist of the jacket.

Chu Bai didn't look down at his movements, but as if he knew what he was going to take, he raised his knees and hit his waist, and easily threw the gun from the man's waist, then caught the gun with one hand, frowning.

But the man took this opportunity to take something out of his arms with his backhand and moved quickly.

The soldier's face remained the same. He raised his gun and raised his arms. A neat bullet rubbed the man's abdomen and flew past. The man was shot and fell to the ground, fainting silently.

Chu Bai walked over with his long legs, wearing a raincoat and leaning over to pick up the grenade, before the pull tab on it had time to open, it was stained with some rain.

He looked down at the man who fainted, then turned around indifferently, raised his gun and pointed at the shadow of the tree: "Come out."

Under a tree not far away, a person came out.

Seeing Lan Wanwan, Chu Bai frowned slightly, somewhat unexpectedly.

Lan Wanwan raised her hands and smiled at him cautiously, "Sir Chu Bai, my own."

She thought that Chu Bai would put down the gun, but the other party didn't. The black muzzle pointed at her and asked lightly:

"Why are you here?"

Lan Wanwan pursed her lips. Of course, she took advantage of the interruption of communication and deliberately left behind in order to come to him.

This Beicheng training was because the drug lord was dissatisfied with the government's recent crackdown and wanted to take the opportunity to warn of revenge.

But for her, it just happened to take advantage of this opportunity to create two days of being alone.

Because it is training, the test is to survive. Originally, it was not allowed to bring a compass. I didn’t expect to suddenly cut off contact. After two days, I couldn’t find a vehicle to pick up. The jungle was deep and the mountains were vast, and no one could leave.

They can be alone for two days.

Lan Wanwan was confident that in just two days, she would make Chu Bai accept her.

She pursed her lips and said slowly, "...Why did the commander point a gun at me? Do you doubt me?"

She is an ordinary college student, a benefactor of the Murong family, and naturally has nothing to do with drug lords, and this operation was brought by Chief Luo and asked her to decipher it. No matter how you look at it, she is her own.

So she asked this sentence, a little joke.

But Chu Bai didn't smile, and the gun was still aimed at her steadily, "I have reason to doubt you."

Lan Wanwan thought she had heard it wrong.

She couldn't help but said, "Doubt me?"

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