100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1063 The national flag is in your heart (54)


"I went in the opposite direction of yours. You appeared in front of me, and of course I have reason to doubt you." Chu Bai said with no expression, "Back off."

Lan Wanwan looked at him with some fascination.

In fact, this was the first time in her two lifetimes that she was alone with him at close range. In her previous life, seeing his throbbing in prison, she couldn't control her mood.

"Okay, I'll step back." She said obediently, taking a step back, her eyes still glued to each other.

Chu Bai didn't intend to control her. Seeing her retreat, he put away his gun and walked away on his own.

Lan Wanwan silently followed behind him.

Chu Bai took two steps, and when he heard the footsteps behind him, he turned his head slightly and glanced at her with a frown.

"Don't follow me."

Although he is usually cold, he is not such an extremely cold character, but his attitude towards Lan Wanwan is completely incapable of getting better. I don't know why, but I am particularly displeased with this person, and I always feel that the farther away from her, the better.

Lan Wanwan obediently stopped, but murmured:

"Sir Chu Bai, I can only follow you. I've separated from Chief Luo. I don't know how to live in a place like this... What if I don't follow you."

She was not wearing a raincoat. The heavy rain had already wet her clothes. The soaked fabric outlined her exquisite figure, and the edges of her underwear were looming, showing a very tempting temptation.

Coupled with the pitiful expression, the pure and attractive appearance, and the full charm value exchanged by the system, Lan Wanwan has absolute confidence at this time.

The man on the other side stopped.

He was quiet for a few seconds, Lan Wanwan looked up at him, and saw a slender and beautiful person who seemed to be a little stunned, and blinked his cold eyes.

He blinked a few times, and his dazed appearance looked a little cute. Lan Wanwan had never seen such Chu Bai before. He had always looked cold and upright before, and the calm temperament of a soldier had never been so cute.

She stared at him blankly, moved her lips, and wanted to say something, but saw that the other party suddenly curled her lips helplessly.

He looked helpless and indulgent, his thin lips evoked a half-smile, and he sighed slightly.

Lan Wanwan's heart skipped a beat, and before she could react, she saw the man beckoning behind her:

"Don't hide, come out."

Hearing his soft voice, Lan Wanwan was taken aback for a moment, then turned back subconsciously and looked behind him.

There was a half-height grass behind him, and nothing could be seen, but a few seconds after Chu Bai’s voice fell, the girl who was stooping and squatting stood up, walked over, and complained, “I want to surprise you. "

Lan Wanwan looked at her in disbelief.

The girl walked over, without even looking at her, just passed by and walked towards Chu Bai.

After she passed by, Lan Wanwan widened her eyes and asked, "Aren't you... How did you come here?"

The girl looked back at her, "You and A Chu have traveled opposite distances, and you can meet him on the way he is walking, so isn't it normal for me to fly over from the family hall? Are you saying that, A Chu? "

The last sentence, she looked at the soldier with a smile.

Lan Wanwan followed and looked at Chu Bai.

The family hall is so far away from here, let alone two days, it is impossible to walk out of the jungle. It is impossible for normal people to rush over from there, and they can also find Chu Bai's position in this deep mountain.

She knew that Murong Chu had the system to help.

But Chu Bai didn't know, so he would definitely doubt her.


[Looking at the knife in my hand]

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