100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1075 The national flag is in your heart (66)


Yu Chu's eyes widened, "Those adults tied up?"

"No, it's the child himself." Chu Bai finally sighed softly, and the always indifferent person showed a tired look, "This kind of thing can't be managed, children grow up here, and their concepts have long been crooked. Before he died, the kid sneered at the army."

Surrounded by people coming and going, Yu Chu resisted the urge to hold him in his arms to comfort him, and patted him on the shoulder lightly:

"But you've done a great job."

Chu Bai Qingmo looked at her with beautiful eyes, his expression remained unchanged, but he asked like a child, "Really?"


He was silent for a few seconds, pursing his lips slightly.

Finally, when the time came, the soldiers got on the bus in an orderly manner, and their movements were carved out of a mold. There were people taking pictures next to them, looking at the quality of their country's military, all with a proud appearance. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Chu Bai was not used to crowded trains, but he was from the army and had experienced all kinds of situations during training, so he didn't react at all. He calmly found a seat and sat down, holding the girl beside him to wait for the departure.

The soldiers all sat down.

After the battle, everyone was a little tired, but due to their quality, their sitting posture was still straight.

Yu Chu asked the soldier next to him:

"Relax, isn't it tiring to sit like this?"

Suddenly being questioned by Mrs. Chief, Xiaobing's back straightened, "Report to Mrs. Chief, you are not tired!"

Yu Chu: "..."

All right. She sat down obediently and said nothing.

There were some other passengers in a train, all of them secretly looking at these soldiers, Yu Chu pulled down Chu Bai's hat brim slightly, covering half of his face. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

"What's wrong?" The man laughed.

"To attract bees and butterflies." The girl was righteous.

When the train was about to start, a middle-aged woman walked into the carriage, holding a child, stood by for a while, and suddenly said to one of the soldiers:

"Aren't you soldiers? It's all about serving the people on TV. Give us a seat."

The soldier originally closed his eyes, but when he heard the words, he opened his eyes and glanced at her. He didn't say anything. He got up and gave up his seat.

The middle-aged woman immediately sat down with the child in delight, ignoring the eyes of other passengers around her.

The child opened his big black and white eyes, "Mom, this is the police uncle's seat."

He was still young and couldn't tell the difference between police and soldiers. He only saw this military uniform, and he was called the police uncle.

The middle-aged woman lowered her head and said, "It's alright, uncle is young, you can stand, just sit tight and don't talk."

The child murmured, raised his head and said to the soldier, "Thank you, uncle police."

The soldier then bowed his head and smiled at him.

The middle-aged woman holding the child muttered slightly, "Thank you, uncle should give up his seat."

The child said ignorantly: "The teacher said thank you."

Middle-aged women stopped talking.

Yu Chu turned to look at the person next to him, the military cap still covered half of his face, and he didn't seem to react.

For Chu Bai and the soldiers present, there is no need to argue with the people. They are soldiers, with the country and the people on their shoulders, and giving up their seats is just a trivial matter.

The car was quiet.

The girl stood up and said, "Sorry, this seat was reserved, not given to others for free. Soldiers serve the people on the battlefield—not in the carriage where everyone is tired and wants to rest after the war."

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