100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1076 The national flag is in your heart (67)


All the soldiers present looked at her in amazement.

For them, this is indeed a very common thing, and no one will feel any grievances.

But as soon as the girl finished speaking, a middle-aged man passenger next to him couldn't help but help: "That's right, people who are soldiers also buy tickets to get on the train. When you come here, you don't say anything about grabbing a seat, and you don't even say thank you. Do you have a big face or something...it's really embarrassing."

The middle-aged woman was stunned for a moment, then she stabbed her neck and said, "I have a child, why can't I sit?"

Someone next to him couldn't help it, "Sit down, look at your attitude, the child still knows how to thank you, so you bully others to be soldiers, what's wrong with being a soldier, didn't you see that the young man's eyes are all black, they did it It is a matter of protecting the family and the country, and you will be bullied when you come back, so you can see that no one will be a soldier in the future, and what will you do if you go to war."

Passengers in one carriage were outraged.

The soldiers looked at each other, some dazed, and some cramped lips. They were used to it, and they didn't think it was a big deal, but suddenly they were defended by the people, and the soldiers felt a little warm in their hearts. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

The standing soldier said quickly: "I'm fine. This aunt is still carrying her child, let her sit."

Yu Chu glared at him.

The soldiers immediately did not dare to say a word.

Mrs. Chief did not dare to provoke it anyway.

The person beside the girl raised his hand slightly, raised the brim of his hat, and looked at her with beautiful and cold eyes.

Yu Chu didn't notice his gaze, and frowned unpleasantly: "They just finished training and haven't rested for a long time. Get up and go back to your seat."

The middle-aged woman suddenly groaned, "Are you soldiers trying to oppress the people? I watched on TV and said how good you are, and you still serve the people..."

The passenger sitting next to her stretched out her hand and pushed her out, pressed her hand on the seat, and looked at the soldier standing upright beside her, "Come on young man, sit down quickly."

The soldiers were all dumbfounded. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

The soldiers who were able to deal calmly on the battlefield were a bit cramped at this time. The standing soldier subconsciously looked at the officer, while the officer's wife next to him covered Chu Bai's lips with one hand and said to him, "Sit down."


Soldiers who did not dare to disobey had to sit down.

The middle-aged woman in the car blushed, and the child was held by her, looking at the whole car ignorantly.

Yu Chu glanced at the middle-aged woman, then softened his voice, smiled at the child, and beckoned:

"Come, come and sit here with my sister."

The child blinked and looked up at his mother. The middle-aged woman was confronted by a carriage and didn't dare to say anything, but she thought that the child was young and tired from standing, so she let go angrily and motioned for him to go over.

The child just walked over and said in a tender voice:

"Thank you sister."

"Good." Yu Chu touched his head, picked up the child and sat in his arms, pinching his face.

Chu Bai watched her tease the child silently, and his slender fingers suddenly held her calmly, and asked in a low voice:

"Do you like children?"

Yu Chu was held by him and paused.


She looked at the little guy in her arms, thinking that if she had a child...probably it would be crooked.

There can be no children anyway.

She shook her head, "I don't want to have children."

After she finished speaking, she turned to look at the expressions of the people next to her. Chu Bai's expression was like a fragment of every plane, and he never showed displeasure because of the child's problems.

He nodded thoughtfully and said casually:

"If you don't want to be born, you won't be born, two people are very good."

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