100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1078 The national flag and you are on the end (69)


Fanwai·Chu Bai


For the military, the important thing is discipline.

Chu Bai's self-discipline has always been far from ordinary, but he can train what others can't stick to, and he can do what others can't accomplish. Enough, self-discipline is enough.

What makes the soldiers of the army admire is that he has never made a mistake, and he has never had any experience of being at a loss.

Chu Bai himself thought it would go on like this forever.

However, one thing falls one thing...

He really had no intention of getting married. He heard that he had a baby-friendly fiancee very early on. At that time, he thought it was just a joke, so he never took it to heart until he received a call from his family one day, saying that he was going to visit City, let him meet his fiancée.

Chu Bai thought it was unnecessary at first, and he could just break off the marriage, but after completing the task, he had ten minutes more time, he pondered for a moment, and still called the girl.

That seemed to be the beginning of the collapse of all self-discipline.

He was thrown over to kiss him in the car, his uniform military cap was thrown off, the collar of his military uniform was grabbed by the opponent, and his soft lips touched his cheek. In fact, he could push her away at that moment, but the breath of the girl , inexplicably, makes people feel very nostalgic.

Chu Bai never thought about what he would become if he fell in love with someone. But there is no doubt that it is impossible for him to fall in love with anyone easily.

However, only when that person appeared, did he know that all his expectations were just jokes.

He cherished her too much and cherished her too much, and he couldn't control himself in front of her. Even after a night of no rest, he could continue to do morning exercises with self-discipline. After everything was arranged, he returned to his room again.

But she just kissed him, not even with any deliberate, confused provocation, and he couldn't control himself, as if the desire that rose from the depths of his soul could not be suppressed at all.

Later, when he learned about rebirth from her, he panicked. She is not an ordinary person, so he cannot be sure whether she will accompany him forever.

If it is a task, will it leave after the task is completed? If it is for Lan Wanwan, will she leave him once Lan Wanwan dies?

Although the girl said no, deep in his heart, there was still some indescribable helplessness.

So, in that stockade, he didn't kill Lan Wanwan. The other party seemed to be using something. He felt his body being controlled for a moment, but the next second, when the girl held his hand and stood in front of him, he suddenly felt the anger from his soul.

He was actually controlled and hostile to her instead of protecting her. She even asked her to stop him regardless of her safety.

Just the second after his anger rose, his consciousness had broken free, and he seemed to hear a cold mechanical sound, "Mission failed, energy exhausted..."

I don't know what that is, but I vaguely understand that it is related to Lan Wanwan and should be hostile.

He didn't kill Lan Wanwan, and he didn't even have the slightest pity in his heart when he watched her writhing in pain.

The girl asked him if he was moved by this liking.

In fact, he wasn't moved at all. He didn't have any turbulence in his heart, but he was a little worried that the other party would feel cold-blooded, so he chose the appropriate answer after deliberation.

For so many years, he never thought he would care so much about a person. Holding her on the parade stage, looking at the red flag in front of her, holding the hands of the people around her.

The most beautiful time, but that's it.

The flag is in front of you, and you are by your side.



Here today, this plane is over. Then let me tell you, I've been a little loose recently, the next plane is a bit emmm perverted, and the brain hole is a little strange... perverted murderer in the European background of the last century? ? ?

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