
twenty-third plane

fog demon


The whole city was in panic.

At night, even horses and carriages dare not take to the streets. On both sides of the flat gravel road, there are brightly lit residential buildings.

The spire of the castle stood in the distance, and even in the dark alleys of the city, the minecart was left aside.

In some dark alley.

Blood flowed all over the ground, and the deceased was lying on his back on the ground. The empty eye sockets looked extremely terrifying.

Next to him was a young man half-kneeling, with golden shatters, a white face, and pure blue eyes flashing with a slightly pleasant light. He handed the silver knife in his hand to the bridge of his tall nose, the smell of blood made the blue in the boy's eyes deeper and his lips rose.

Outside the alley, the light of the street lamp was slightly refracted into the boy's eyes, pure blue flickering, like a deep blue gem. sexy. The scarlet tongue licked the thin lips, and he raised his hand and thrust the silver knife into the heart of the dead man.

The tip of the knife pierced into the heart, and the blood that spurted instantly splashed onto the boy's fair face, and his blue eyes were slightly red. He seemed happier to continue to use force, and the blade penetrated the sternum a little bit and completely inserted.

"Very good." He said softly.

The exotic timbre, with a hint of lingering, is like the gentle low-pitched recitation of a choir, but it is cruel and bloody.

The handle of the knife was outside the chest of the deceased, but the body of the knife was completely submerged in the body. Qian Zeer licked his lips as if admiring a work of art, leaned over slightly, and flicked the handle of the knife with his long, pale fingers, but penetrated deeply into his body. The knife in it didn't move. He smiled softly.

Pure blue eyes glanced at the dead man on the ground, but he seemed to be looking at some toy. His gaze didn't even stay for a second, he looked away and turned to leave.

Before the figure merged into the night, there was an excited and vague smile on the scarlet lips.


Its daybreak.

"It's dead again!"

With a horrified scream, countless people poured out, and their eyes met the unrecognizable and miserable corpse. The timid people fainted on the spot. When he got up, the rest of the people looked very bad.

"Second time this month..."

"Yeah, when will the old men of the detective agency solve the case?"

"Isn't this the owner of that tavern..."

There was a lot of discussion, and the proprietress of the tavern pushed aside the crowd and only glanced at the dead man on the ground, then rolled her eyes and fainted.

Immediately afterwards, a short old man pushed aside the crowd and squeezed into the crowd with a girl. His eyes contacted the deceased on the ground. He hurriedly closed his eyes and prayed silently before opening his eyes and motioning to the girl behind him, "Quickly. Record the time."

The girl was wearing a coarse cloth dress. She glanced at him when she heard the words, and then took out a pen and paper from her carry-on bag. She lowered her head and carefully wrote down the time: "morning."

The old detective didn't pay attention to what she remembered and looked down at the dead man.

Someone next to him asked, "Old Jack, you've been arresting people for a few months. Do you have any clues?"

Old Jack habitually took a puff of his pipe, frowned and looked at the person on the ground, ignoring the person next to him, and said to himself: "The last deceased had bleeding from the nose and mouth, and the flesh was separated, this is the gouged eye... The knives are all silver, and the murderer likes silverware?"

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