
After a busy day, Yu Chu was lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling, thinking silently in his mind.

The dead man was wearing clothes from seven years ago.

Seven years ago, it was the time when the noble young master came to Wudu. The young master was only twelve or thirteen years old at the time.

Moreover, a dress from seven years ago, why can the proprietress blurt out the year of the dress?

After wearing clothes for several years, most people will forget which year it is.

Unless it is particularly impressive.

Old Jack knew what that noble young master did seven years ago. A lot of outrageous things.

Aristocrats don't treat commoners as people at all, and it's not surprising that they would play some cruel games. However, is there any connection between all these things?

Why does the killer want to kill?

If there is a reason, there are still traces to follow, but if there is no reason, it is really perverted, and there is no law in killing, then who can do it...\u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt ;

It's impossible to count on Old Jack anyway.

Yu Chu closed his eyes, lay down for a few minutes, and slowly recalled the dead he saw today.

She observed a lot, except for the worn clothes, and the straight silver knife, which was inserted very accurately and beautifully, the blood around the body was not stained with any traces, and there were no fingerprints left on the handle of the knife. , rather than being cautious, it is better to say that this perverted murderer has a perverted obsessive-compulsive disorder of cleanliness...

She suddenly opened her eyes again, sat up from the bed, and remembered that there was something she didn't notice at the scene.

But it was already dark, and now no one dared to go out at night in the city, which meant danger.

Yu Chu hesitated for two seconds, then put on her clothes and got up to go out-she had experienced a lot of blood in the world in front of her, but there was nothing to be afraid of.

It's just a little bit cold. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

She left the detective agency and walked to the crime scene in the dark. Of course, the body had been removed. There was only a pool of blood in the dark alley.

She crossed her arms, walked beside the blood stain, and then squatted down by the wall. She touched the blood sprayed on the wall with her fingers, and found a mark scratched by a knife.

When she was just recalling the scene, she suddenly remembered this trace. Because all the attention was on the deceased at the time, and not much else, and there were often scratches and graffiti on the wall, and the traces were inconspicuous.

It's just that because the traces looked a little new, she took a second look at it at the time. Just thinking about it when she lay on the bed, she suddenly felt that something was wrong.

The new scratches, with sharp edges and corners, are most likely left by the silver knife, isn't it likely left by the murderer? This pervert is careful and obsessive, and it is impossible to accidentally leave any traces.

It could only be that he did it on purpose.

She felt the slender scratch with her fingers, and felt the bifurcation at the end—it was an arrow.

The direction it points to is...

In front, it seems that there is only the detective agency.

What does pointing to the detective agency mean?

Does it foreshadow the next move?

He wants to move the detective agency...

But for a pervert, who would he want to kill from the detective agency? If it was a random murder without a trace, then she would have no clue. But if it really has something to do with the many bastard things that noble young master did seven years ago... and what exactly is it related to?

Old Jack knew something about that year.

As for the original owner, he hadn't been an apprentice with Old Jack back then, and the original owner was only fourteen years old that year.

Just a little girl.

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