
But no matter what, if it is really related to those cruel games seven years ago, the murderer is to avenge those who were killed by the noble young master seven years ago - then according to this arrow, the next target of the murderer is not the old man. Jack is himself.

The noble young master who will come to Wudu will also be killed. Because he was the culprit back then.

Although the original owner was still young at that time, he had seen the noble young master and witnessed one of his killing games with his own eyes.

At that time, the original owner did not help the dying girl. This is also the root of the original owner's atonement. After seeing the murder game, she has been with Old Jack for so many years, hoping to atone by solving the case.

And so did Old Jack. Back then, he courted the aristocratic child and became an accomplice in the killing game.

And Yu Chu vaguely remembered from the original owner's memory that the tavern owner was also one of the accomplices of the onlookers. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

If you guessed correctly, this is what the boss wore seven years ago. Therefore, when the murderer took revenge, he deliberately used some means to make him put on this body again.

That's why, the lady boss remembered this dress so clearly, and blurted out that it was seven years ago.

Because of that killing game, everyone will be deeply impressed, so keep in mind the year.

Yu Chu stood up from the ground, feeling a little cool, she was going to go back to the detective agency first.

In any case, the murderer wants to touch the old Jack of the detective agency, or directly do it to himself...

Just when she thought of this, the street lights suddenly went out, and the whole alley was completely plunged into darkness.

OK, that's for sure.

The killer's next target is himself.

Yu Chu sighed softly, instead of screaming in horror, he stood alone in the bloodstained alley. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

She even stood for a few seconds and calmly took a few steps forward against the wall, a faint fragrance came from the tip of her nose.

Yu Chu was stunned.

She is very familiar with this light fragrance. Every plane has this kind of breath. It is clean and clear like snow, and it smells very good around the whole body, which makes people feel very comfortable.

……No way.

The one who appeared here at this time must be the murderer.

But there is a smell of fragments on the other party?

Yu Chu was shocked.

Are the fragments so perverted this time?

And when you come up, you will brutally kill yourself?

She stood silently for two seconds before hearing a sweet and soft chuckle from the darkness. The other party's attitude was slightly arrogant and disdainful, as if he was looking at a toy.

"Why not?" Qian Zeer asked softly.

His voice is moving, with an exotic romantic feeling, like the most beautiful clock tower in the fog.

Yu Chu was silent, but did not speak, and slowly stretched out his hand, his fingers touched the boy's body, the other party froze immediately, bloodthirsty and violent emotions flashed in the bottom of his eyes, and he hated human contact very much. He stabbed the girl in front of him.

But Yu Chu's martial arts was not something he practiced in vain. He immediately reached out when he heard the movement and grabbed the wrist that the opponent stabbed. Qianzel raised his eyebrows slightly.

I didn't expect that my knife would be caught.

This girl is always unexpected. Today, the boy who disguised as a black-eyed boy heard her questioning the proprietress in the tavern, and Qianzel was a little interested.

He habitually showed an excited smile. In the dark night, the pure blue at the bottom of the boy's eyes was faintly bright, and the long and thick eyelashes covered the slightly red eyes because of happiness, as if he had encountered his favorite prey.

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