
He didn't even care about the girl touching him, he let her hold his wrist, squinted his eyes slightly, and easily pressed her against the wall, the knife in his hand did not move, and said with great interest: " Do you know how that person died here yesterday?"

When he gently opened his lips, a weak and fragrant breath swept across Yu Chu's forehead. She did not speak, and quietly listened to the pervert happily whispering:

"I gouged his eyes and cut his tongue. Do you know how scared he was? He died so ugly."

His tone was slightly dissatisfied, but he soon became happy again: "But you must not be ugly. I won't take your eyes, they are very beautiful in your eye sockets... That's what I thought when I saw you today. When you asked that woman, her eyes were beautiful."

Yu Chu was slightly silent.

Is this a perverted statement?

... God fucking confessed.

"I also like your voice, so I won't cut your tongue. You can die beautifully." The pure blue at the bottom of Qianzel's eyes was getting brighter and brighter, as if some interesting game was about to be played, and his tone was a little weird. , "You are the first person I let go."

However, this letting go just means no more abuse, not no more killing her.

For this pervert, is it okay to kiss and hug?

Yu Chu thought about this question very hesitantly, and finally chose to give it a try.

The other party's tone was still relaxed, childlike, and elegant and eccentric, "However, I'm going to take something down and take it back to remember that I made an exception for you. How about taking off one ear..."

Before the word "like" could come out of his blushing thin lips, the girl suddenly stood on tiptoe and kissed someone close at hand without warning, her breath entangled in an instant.

The last word was also annihilated between the lips.

The other party was silent for a moment.

In fact, in the dark, Yu Chu didn't find the exact position at first, he just raised his head to kiss with his voice, the lips fell on the corner of his lips at first, and then quickly moved to the soft and thin lips, sticking out the tip of his tongue to lick lick him.

Qianzel remained silent for several seconds.

Yu Chu became more daring, thinking that he might be perverted and afraid of rogues, so he stood on tiptoe even harder, his fingers tentatively loosened his wrist, and wrapped around the boy's neck.

She let go of her hand, and the other party could raise the knife at this time. However, in the night, there was only a crisp sound - the silver knife fell to the ground.

The girl suddenly got closer to him, her lips twirling and kissing each other's bright red and thin lips. In the blood-stained dark alley, the young boy's pure blue eyes were confused, his eyelashes slowly blinked, and the thoughts in his mind stopped.

He stretched out his hand and pushed the girl's shoulders away, his lips parted, the boy's face was pale to the sick, and his red lips were moist, but no one could see it in the dark.

"Did you kiss me?" said in a low voice.

He seemed to be amused, but also had some weird emotions, his snow-white teeth bit his lower lip, and the tender touch of kissing just now seemed to remain between his lips.

The silver knife that fell on the ground is stained with dust, making people reluctant to use it for the art of killing. The young man stroked the girl's neck with a slender hand, and the slender neck was under his long fingers, vulnerable to a single blow.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" He half-smiled again.

The elegant tone is somewhat captivating, and if you ignore this is a pervert, he must be perfect.


I'm sorry, I'm so scared??? Can this plane be overrated? It's scary

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