
But metamorphosis is metamorphosis.

Even if she is against the wall at this moment, the fragrant breath in the dark is close at hand, like an intimate lover, quietly meeting privately in a quiet alley.

But the air was still filled with the blood from yesterday's killing. The wall behind him was covered with dried and solidified blood. The murder weapon was now at his feet, and this murderer was strangled with one hand at this time. Hold her throat with a little interest.

"You actually kiss me." He whispered like a lover, with a bit of a smile in his moving voice.

On the slender and pale hands, the strength gradually deepened, listening to the girl's gradually slowing breathing, he seemed to be struggling in the dark, he said indifferently and casually, "Kissing... a little disgusting, you know?"

Because of being strangled and suffocated, the girl's hand subconsciously clings to his arm, but remains silent.

Qian Zeer was silent for a few seconds, and the scene of seeing the girl today flashed in his mind. I always thought that this person was very interesting. He was so calm now that he was killed, and he couldn't figure out his every move, which made him want to study it carefully.

After hesitating for a while, the young man raised a rare hesitation. It seems like a waste to deal with his favorite prey in this dark alley.

He killed her, but he couldn't see her expression when she died, couldn't see how tears flowed from those eyes he liked, and then the light gradually went out.

He blinked his long eyelashes, his mood softened little by little, and gently loosened his slender fingers.

The girl gasped for breath immediately.

The next moment, the pervert in front of him leaned over slightly, slender lips gently rubbed her lips, and his tone was ambiguous and pleasant, "However, I don't hate it, really."

Yu Chu's fingers were held by his cold hands. This man kissed the corner of her lips somewhat obsessively, strange and arrogant. She couldn't help but grit her teeth, "Perverted."

I can't help but want to yell. So perverted.

However, the pervert was not angry at all, and laughed very tolerantly in a low voice, as sweet as a bubble.

"You can be a little bit more disobedient," he seemed to be extremely forgiving to his beloved prey, his fingertips touched her neck, the marks left by the choke hold hurt a lot, Yu Chu couldn't help hissing.

"However, just a little." In a romantic and cold tone, the boy stepped back with a gentleman's grace.

In the darkness, only Yu Chu was left.

She took a slight breath, her neck hurting terribly, because of the pervert's wanton teasing, the corners of her lips were a little numb, and the tip of her nose seemed to haunt his breath.

With the silver knife at his feet, Yu Chu squatted down and picked it up gropingly, feeling a little pain in his head.

This guy is arrogant, willful and unscrupulous, and he has no idea what he is thinking.

She put away the silver knife and groped her way out of the alley, until she saw the light of the street lamp, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When dealing with perverts, you really need a bit of a strong psychological quality... Otherwise, you will faint in minutes.

She went back to the detective agency and looked at her neck.

There are very obvious traces, showing how she just walked back from the gate of hell.

Yu Chu pulled out the ointment and applied it. The cold ointment smeared on the traces, causing bursts of pain.

She thought silently.

He first killed the tavern owner and then came to kill her.

And let the tavern owner wear the clothes seven years ago when he was an accomplice in the murder.

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