
This shows that his murder goal is related to those cruel games seven years ago.

The original owner only participated in one of the games.

Therefore, since there is the original owner in the kill list, it is self-evident which game he is targeting.

Yu Chu remembered that the game was about a girl. So does the shard have something to do with the girl?

To avenge that girl?

That is the unforgettable hatred, and it will be killed one by one, and the method is so cruel and bloody.

Yu Chu was silent for a while, looking at the ointment on his neck, the pain was still severe.

The next day, she went out wearing a high-necked dress and went to the tavern of the proprietress for a walk.

I specifically looked for the guy from that pub.

But what's disappointing is that this time the little guy is still a little guy, not a murderer in disguise.

It seems that the murderer has only disguised it once.

And after listening to her questioning the proprietress, he left immediately. The next ones are the real boys. If it wasn't for her inadvertently discovering that the little guy was wiping the cup that the pervert had already wiped, I'm afraid even she wouldn't be able to see that the previous one was disguised.

Sure enough, it was a pervert, blatantly, and very arrogantly appeared in the tavern, listening to the detective apprentice questioning the family of the deceased, and after listening to Youyou left, no one found...

Yu Chu rubbed his temples again.

Fragmentation this time is too difficult.

How could she fall in love with a murderer?

Could it be that when he said how to kill people was interesting, did he nod his head in agreement? ?

Thinking about this picture... is also exciting.

Yu Chu sighed slightly, and returned to the detective agency from the tavern. She happened to meet Old Jack going out. She thought about it and reminded: "You must not go out at night in the future, now the fog is very unsafe..."

The original owner's wish was to atone for sins, but also to save people. And although Old Jack was guilty, he didn't need to be brutally killed. The perverted approach is really uncomfortable.

Old Jack glanced at her in surprise and smiled: "Child, who is going out at night now, everyone can't wait to shrink themselves in a turtle shell."

Yu Chu smiled cooperatively, and said nothing.

But Old Jack said with a pipe in his mouth: "My child, I want to go to the scene again, you can come with me."

Yu Chu was stunned, then hesitated.

She refused in her heart. I had a conversation with the murderer in that place last night, and was almost strangled by those hands, and now I feel chills down my spine when I think about it.

Still, she nodded.

The two came to the alley together. Yu Chu saw the blood on the ground at a glance, and then moved his eyes to the wall next to him. This time, it was easy to see the scratch.

A somewhat inconspicuous arrow mixed into the graffiti on the wall, but because it is very new, it is actually easy to detect if you look carefully.

The murderer is so arrogant...

Killing people, he slowly carved this arrow on the blood-sprayed wall, pointing to the next target he wanted to solve - the apprentice girl of the detective agency.

He didn't kill himself yesterday.

But no other clues were left.

This shows that the target is very likely not changed, still in the detective agency, and participated in the events of the year——

Yu Chu looked at Old Jack on the side.

Old Jack was smoking a pipe and exhaling a puff of smoke, noticing her gaze and asking, "What's wrong?"

Yu Chu said, "Nothing."

If you tell Old Jack, he will probably not repent, but only fear the murderer to take revenge.

Human nature is so evil sometimes.

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