100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1088 fog demon (10)


A busy day is nothing.

Of course, Old Jack found nothing, but when Yu Chu looked at the bloodstained crime scene, he would think of the intersection with the perverted murderer. She put away the silver knife, and every time she saw it, she felt a little creepy.

It's like leaving the breath of death by your side.

Fortunately, after passing through so many planes, I am used to seeing strong winds and waves, and I can accept a little bit of horror.

At night, she watched Old Jack walk into the room with her own eyes, and then turned back to her place.

The houses of the detective agency are all on the second floor, and the corner is the original owner's room. Yu Chu walked in and closed the door, still a little uneasy, thinking of the arrow...

The next target will most likely be Old Jack.

Or, the murderer changed his mind about not killing himself, and came back to kill himself again.

She was a little nervous. This kind of feeling is like, knowing who the other party's target is, but unable to predict how this pervert will shoot, when it will shoot, and how cruel and bloody it will be...

Yu Chu sighed, now that he has sighed enough in this plane. She lay down on the bed, and her fingers slowly touched the cold and straight silver knife under the pillow.


With a terrifying scream, Yu Chu opened his eyes instantly, touched his fingers under the pillow subconsciously, took out the silver knife, and sat up.

It was the scream of a girl, who should be an apprentice of the detective agency, but because the voice was too scary, Yu Chu couldn't tell which one it was.

It's not outside, it's inside the detective agency, what could happen?

She went out wearing pajamas, and saw the door of Old Jack's room wide open, and several old men from the detective agency gathered outside the door with pale and frightened expressions.

The girls covered their mouths, looking like they wanted to vomit but couldn't vomit, their legs slumped to the ground.

Yu Chu's heart moved slightly, walked over, stood at the door and glanced inside.

After only one glance, she saw clearly the terrifying death of Old Jack, then she looked away and bit her lip.

The bloody smell was so thick that it was like dust and mist, and this smell alone made people turn their stomachs upside down.

The old detectives had seen quite a few cases, and their faces were pale, but they still walked in. At the same time, they turned to the girls and said, "Come in and write a personal record."

Several girls were all in a trance and panic, no one dared to enter the room to record.

Yu Chu pursed his lips, turned back to the room, took a pen and paper, then returned to Old Jack's room and walked in.

The old detectives were watching the corpse, and she stepped back. There was a gauze curtain in the middle of the room, and there were people crowded in front, Yu Chu silently retreated to the curtain.

She looked at the corpse from a distance.

The chest is still a straight and beautiful silver knife.

Exactly the same as the one in my room.

She slowly observed the bloodstains around her, and at the same time, she also looked around the ground, but there was no new pointing sign. Does the killer have no next target?

She was thinking silently when a clean and refreshing breath suddenly came from beside her, and a pair of hands hugged her gently from behind, as if death was silently surrounding her.

Yu Chu froze for a moment.

To be honest, she has experienced so many planes and has never been so terrifying.

If it weren't for her strong psychological quality, I'm afraid she would have to scream the moment she was hugged.

The people behind her were a little surprised. The slender hands wrapped around her waist, with an ambiguous and strange tone, and a lazy tone, "You are so cute. I like it very much."

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