100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1089 fog demon (11)


Did he mean she didn't cry out?

Yu Chu was about to laugh angrily.

Where did this person have such courage? After killing people, all the detectives and apprentices were present, and the smell of blood was so disgusting that he just stood casually behind this veil and watched them analyze the case?

He even dared to hug her.

Half of her figure was hidden behind the veil, but he half hugged her cleverly, not obvious. But as long as someone looks up and stares here, within a few seconds, even in the dim yellow light, they will definitely be able to spot him.

The boy's soft lips gently rubbed against her neck, the breath of the ointment made him pause, and then he said in a caring and soft tone, "Is your injury better?"

A low, slow voice like an exotic ballad lingered coldly around his ears.

Such a little injury is nothing compared to the terrifying old Jack lying on the ground now.

But the murderer had just killed a person so cruelly, but turned his head and cared tenderly about her injury.


Yu Chu faced forward, but did not dare to speak, he lowered his head and wrote on the notebook: "Are you crazy?"

Qian Zeer lowered his eyes and glanced at her, but he continued to lower his head and kiss her neck in a fascination. Even the scent of the ointment made him feel comfortable.

The most beloved.

He looked at the girl's side face close at hand, pure blue eyes with a little calm curiosity, opened his lips to hold the girl's earlobe, and slowly sucked the tip of his tongue.

Yu Chu was in a trance, and his hand holding the quill became tighter. The old detectives surrounding the corpse said solemnly, "The murderer likes to pierce the heart with silver. There is this ritual in the ancient noble tradition..."

Yu Chu slowly wrote down: silverware, aristocratic tradition.

The person behind her held her earlobe, her white teeth rubbed her skin, and patiently explained, "It's because it's clean, and I like silver."

The tip of Yu Chu's ear suddenly tingled slightly. He seemed a little excited, and the grinding of his teeth hurt her ears.

The other party quickly noticed it, moved her lips and teeth away from her skin, and said friendly: "Sorry."

He kindly licked the sore spot.

Yu Chu's body tensed slightly, staring at the terrifying corpse in front of him, trying to dispel the numbness.

This is a murderer, a pervert.

"Where's the knife I gave you?" The other party suddenly said gently, his fingers slowly moving up along her waist.

Yu Chu held his hand.

The boy didn't move any more, but his pure blue eyes turned violent, but his love for his beloved prey made him stop his movements leniently, and patiently asked again: "Where's the knife I gave you?"

Yu Chu wrote in the book: In the room.

After a pause, she asked again: Did you give it to me on purpose?

"Otherwise?" The young man was slightly surprised at this question, with a bit of casual indifference in his tone, "My things, unless I kill someone, will not be left to others. But that one, I want to give it to you."

He suddenly laughed lowly, his slender arms hugged her closer, and he said in a friendly tone: "In that place, you kissed me on the initiative, I like it very much, and I gave you something as a souvenir. I...haven't kissed before."

His voice was soft, as affectionate and cute as a little milk cat, leaning gently against her neck, his slender eyelashes covered his blue eyes, and the smile on his lips was slightly satisfied.

Yu Chu was leaning against him softly, and it was hard to imagine that the terrifying corpse in front of him was made by this person.

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