100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1093 fog demon (15)


"But here we haven't seen the golden and blue eyes yet, I really want to see what it looks like."

"Wouldn't it be very strange, a golden head, the skin must be very white to look good..."

The girls chattered.

After waiting for about half an hour, the noise of the crowd came from the other end of the street, and the people of the detective agency suddenly understood that it was the carriage of the young master.

There must be a lot of people who want to take a look at the appearance of the nobles along the way. Several girls glanced at each other, and hurriedly dropped the things in their hands and ran out to watch the fun.

But in Yu Chu's heart, he felt a little pity for this noble young master who had just come to Wudu.

This young master was the culprit back then.

Think about it, even the accomplices of the year were tortured and murdered like that, let alone the main culprit of the year?

This young master had better come to Wudu for a day and leave, don't let that little pervert find a chance to kill. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

But... Then again...

That time he promised to meet her in a few days, but it had been half a month, and there was no news at all.

The little pervert never came to find her.

She didn't know the name and identity of the other party, so naturally she couldn't find any trace of him.

Yu Chu clicked on the book with the quill in his hand, and was a little melancholy when there was a sudden noise outside the detective agency, and the girls were all excitedly whispering.

Yu Chu was stunned for a moment, then stood up and walked over, a little curious about this nobleman who played the killing game seven years ago. Seven years ago, he was only twelve or thirteen years old...

Yu Chu walked to the door.

The carriage just passed the door of the detective agency.

This is a very luxurious carriage. The strange thing is that there is only one servant, who is timidly pulling the reins in front of the carriage, and his face is full of sweat. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

But now the weather is not too hot.

Everyone around was attracted by the tall and gorgeous carriage, and no one seemed to notice the cold sweat of the servant.

Yu Chu inexplicably felt that something was wrong.

She was frowning and thinking, the carriage had passed the detective agency, and a lazy young voice came from the car, with a soft smile, "Wait, stop."

The servant immediately took hold of the reins.

The carriage stopped in front of the detective agency.

This change made the citizens who were watching the lively stunned, and the girls couldn't help showing intoxicated expressions.

The voice was so good, it was like the choir murmurs they heard every day when they went to pray, soft and romantic, giving a sense of religious mystery.

And this person's voice, in addition to the tone of voice, is also luxurious and elegant.

Everyone looked at the carriage, only Yu Chu felt cold all over and couldn't help taking a breath.

The curtain was lifted by a slender hand, revealing the appearance of a young man inside. The golden pieces are like sunlight, and the skin is fair to dazzling, even with a morbid beauty, lining the blushing thin lips. Those blue and pure pupils are like the waves of lake water, and their long eyelashes are reflected.

Everyone stared blankly and forgot to respond.

Yu Chu also stared at each other closely.

The golden and blue-eyed aristocratic boy raised the corners of his lips, a smile that was originally sunny, but fell slightly cold in Yu Chu's eyes, he stretched out a hand to her, and said lazily:

"Beautiful girl, please get in the car."

The debauchery of the aristocrats is vividly presented. When a woman is spotted on the street, she has to take people away directly. This should be very unethical and disgusting, but Yu Chu saw that the girls around her had envious looks in their eyes.


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