100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1094 fog demon (16)


From the moment she heard the voice, she realized that the nobleman in the carriage was the little pervert.

Why? This is totally illogical.

If the perverted murderer is that noble, then all her previous speculations will be overturned.

Because petty perverts can't take revenge on themselves.

Then why did he kill?

Why kill that tavern owner and make him wear clothes from seven years ago...

And why did you want to kill the original owner and kill Old Jack?

Yu Chu was a little confused in his heart, and felt that he really couldn't guess the perverted thoughts.

Because she couldn't see through it at all, no matter how beautiful the young man in front of her was, it was a little scary in her eyes. She never knew what he would do next, be gentle to please or brutally kill.

She took a small step back. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Qianzel was stunned.

He was in a very good mood all day today and felt like he was giving his prey the perfect surprise.

Every time he thinks of his plan, his beautiful eyes turn red with excitement, but the more excited his brain is, the calmer he becomes. He calmly thinks about every detail of the meeting, and the more he thinks about it, the happier he feels.

He hadn't seen her for half a month, and when he opened the curtain to see her, his heartbeat slowed down, but he was more satisfied than seeing the corpse.

But why did she back off?

This made the boy's eyes full of anger and violence, and his pure blue eyes looked at her quietly. A faint smile appeared on his thin lips, and he jumped out of the carriage himself. .

He stretched out his hand again, his voice strangely soft:

"Miss?" \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Although those pure blue eyes looked at her tenderly, Yu Chu could clearly feel the threat of death.

The man took control of the situation casually.

If she didn't follow him obediently, Yu Chu would bet that something terrible would happen - after all, the degree of perversion of this person must not be underestimated.

She blinked and put her hand on the slender, pale hand of the young man. The cold temperature made her tremble, and she looked at the other's hand in surprise.

In fact, I have heard before that the perverted person has abnormal psychology, slow heartbeat and low body temperature.

It turned out to be true.

She didn't feel much scared, but because he was a fragment, she felt a little distressed. Normal people can't understand perverts, so this person is absolutely incomprehensible, and I don't know how he usually lives...

But no matter how distressed he was, he couldn't allow him to keep killing people. She can't influence him now and doesn't have the capital to persuade him, but she will try it slowly in the future.

Putting her finger on the boy's fingertip was originally just a formal etiquette, but the girl stretched her hand further forward and held his cold fingers.

Qian Zeer blinked slightly. Strangely, not only did he not feel offended, but he curled the corners of his slender lips in novelty. He was calm with some excitement, and curiously looked at this prey that could bring him freshness at any time.

Aren't you afraid, why are you still approaching?

But he was really pleased.

Chizel happily admitted this, graciously forgiving her just backing off.

Be patient enough to hunt successfully. For the more beloved prey, the greater his attitude. If it were someone else, he would be able to raise such a violent mood, and the corpse would not be enough to relieve his anger.


Still in the morning. I originally wanted to add more updates tomorrow. I don't ask for votes very much, but many have been voting. I should thank you. But think about it, if you are too lazy to do any ticket additions, just add more updates. It won't be a waste for a few days. Wuwu Xiaoheiwu saves the manuscript, plus the update, it can't be exploded at one time, but it will be a lot more than usual. I wish you and the country are getting better and better~ [National Day... Do you think the character design is purely perverted or is it to be normal for the sake of the three views]

Don't say good night these few days, keep your eyes open for updates, can't I dare not go to the toilet by myself. And the rewards these days are a bit nerve-wracking, do you think I will add more or something, no, don't spend money

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