100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1100 fog demon (22)


Before Yu Chu fell asleep, his ankle was still held in his perverted hand. His thin lips gently kissed her knee, and his voice was hoarse:

"There is another surprise for you. ◢Follow *dream* small ◢.1a"

A second before he lost consciousness, Yu Chu scolded him happily in his heart, and at the same time thought feebly that she didn't want his surprise at all. A surprise from a pervert, just thinking about it makes people very scary...

She passed out, and Qianzel watched her silently for a while, leaning over and kissing her lips fascinatedly.

He carried her to the bathroom, like a patient and gentle owner cleaning the pet. He moved meticulously and slowly, tidying her up little by little, and calmly changed her into new clothes before taking her back.

When Yu Chu woke up the next day, he was lying on the embassy's bed alone, but there was no one around.

He was wearing new clothes, very neat and meticulous, and every detail could not be faulted. You don't have to think about it to know who helped her put it on. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

The marks on the neck have been carefully smeared with medicine, and the application is even and beautiful. It can be seen that the other party is very patient and very serious in completing the work.

Yu Chu tapped his head.

She was originally very angry about her reckless and unscrupulous tossing yesterday, but at this time, seeing herself being cleaned up and being cared for gently and carefully, her mood changed from anger to a little complicated.

It's not easy for a pervert to be so nice to people.

His attitude towards others is probably either indifferent, or he is pondering how to use the knife.

Compared to her, this is simply out of the sky.

Yu Chu walked out of the room, and the city hall saw her officials, so he hurriedly walked over and smiled: "The girl is awake, the young master went out early in the morning, and specially instructed us to send the girl back when she wakes up." \u0026amp ;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Yu Chu was stunned when he heard the words.

Fragments to send her away?

It was only a night of tossing yesterday, and today he went out so early and ordered someone to send her back to the detective agency. Does this mean that he puts on his pants and turns his face and doesn't recognize anyone?

But Yu Chu touched the carefully applied ointment on his neck, and instinctively felt that this was not the case.

She didn't quite understand why this little pervert wanted to send herself away. In fact, she originally thought that according to that perverted character, she might be locked up by him.

This time it was unexpected.

Sure enough, normal people can't understand.

Yu Chu nodded to the officials, got on the carriage under their arrangement, and returned to the detective agency.

The girls from the detective agency naturally gathered around to ask questions, but they didn't notice the marks on Yu Chu's neck because of the ointment and the high collar.

Yu Chu didn't have the time to tell others about the bed, so he just answered a few questions at random, avoided the ambiguous topic, and went back to his room.

However, she returned to the room, and after half a day, the door was hurriedly knocked. The apprentice girl from the detective agency outside called her anxiously, Yu Chu walked over to open the door, and the other party stared at her in horror:

"That young master is dead!"


Yu Chu was stunned.


Half an hour later, she came to a barren hill on the outskirts of Wudu City. The officials of the city hall were in a trance and surrounded by a tree in cold sweat. Yu Chu walked over and saw the tree under the tree through the gap between the crowds. teenager.

A golden shredded, bloody, blue eyeball was gouged out, and was thrown on the ground at will.

The limbs are mutilated and the death is horrific.

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