100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1101 fog demon (23)


Yu Chu was in a trance for a while before he came to his senses, but he didn't feel any panic in his heart, just because of the strong bloody smell, he felt a little nauseated. *Following*Dreams*Small*Said .1a

The face of the corpse was cut beyond recognition by the knife.

Those knife marks are still a bit regular, like a child's graffiti. The murderer seems to be holding the knife with great interest, cutting the flesh bit by bit with the leisure of painting.

Obviously, the officials present saw it, and the marks on the corpse's face showed how perverted the murderer was.

Who the hell uses a knife as a pen and a face as paper?

Several officials had constipated expressions on their faces, on the one hand because of the terrifying deceased, and on the other because of the identity of the deceased - they were real nobles!

But died in the fog!

The servant who went out with the noble young master in the morning was being interrogated at this time. When the people in the city hall saw Yu Chu, they lost their kind attitude towards her in the morning. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

After all, it was in the face of this young master. Now that the person is dead, this girl is useless.

"Go ask her."

An official motioned to the entourage beside him.

Yu Chu finally glanced at the corpse.

Next to the corpse, a heart was drawn with blood.

Others couldn't see it, but Yu Chu knew very well that this was given to him by the pervert.

Heart - Is this the surprise he was talking about?

For the first time, Yu Chu felt like he wanted to beat up the pieces.

Surprise Nima!

She endured the nausea at the corpse and answered the question calmly. In fact, there is nothing to answer at all. She herself doesn't know anything about the little pervert. Even if she wants to confess to him, she has to have that clue.


Could this be the reason why he didn't tell his name before? Because he doesn't believe her.

Yu Chu frowned, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Even if she knew that he was a murderer, but because the person he killed was also a villain to a certain extent, she never thought of hurting him, but he first showed his distrust. Maybe it's really hard for a pervert to trust others...

Yu Chu was a little distracted, but the clues about the whole thing became clear again.

The previous guesses were correct.

He still wants to kill the people in the game back then.

The tavern owner, the original owner, the old Jack, and the noble boy who was the culprit.

Yu Chu didn't know when the nobleman was killed, but there was no doubt that the murderer was incredibly bold and arrogant, killed the nobleman, and blatantly appeared in the city as the deceased.

Until this time, everyone thought that the noble boy from yesterday was the deceased here today.

This kind of arrogance is simply... indescribable.

And there is one more point, Yu Chu can be sure.

That is - the little pervert appeared in the fog, using his own appearance, not the appearance of a noble boy. Because he agreed to meet her, he would definitely disdain lying and pretending, so that was his true face... an angelic, beautiful and pure face.

But it was too bold.

He just got it right, the people in Wudu didn't know what that noble looked like. So even if he appeared with his own face, no one doubted it.


Yu Chu felt very tired.

She recalled the man's golden eyes and had some doubts. Doesn't it mean that pure-blooded nobles are golden and blue-eyed? So little pervert, is it also a noble?

What is his name, what is his identity, and why did he avenge the girl back then?

I'm afraid that only the next time I see him will I have answers to these questions...

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