100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1102 fog demon (24)



In fact, she was not suspicious at all.

That man, he deliberately went out in the morning for everyone in the city hall to see. And he also specially instructed them to send the girl back properly.

He carefully arranged everything and created alibi for her, so she was naturally not suspected. It wouldn't involve her in any way.

- Being treated so tenderly and carefully by a pervert, Yu Chu's mood was a bit complicated.

Before she left, she deliberately observed it again, to see if there was anything left of this person.

Does he have another target?

And seeing this, Yu Chu was stunned.

Because of the angle, she didn't see it when she first came, and the words were written directly on the other side of the corpse:

A month later, Senal. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Yu Chu took a step back in shock, and now he understands the constipated look on those officials' faces even more.

This time it was really a lazy announcement by the murderer. The next person he's going to start is a man named Senal, and the time is a month later.

Yu Chu searched the original owner's memory, but did not remember this person. After all, the original owner was only fourteen years old, and there were many villains in that game, and the original owner didn't record them all.

Yu Chu returned to the detective agency and inquired about other people in the agency. Some girls didn't know, but some seemed to have some impressions, and felt that they had heard it somewhere.

One of the girls who is usually more playful, after hearing this name, said a little strangely:

"Why did you suddenly ask about this person?"

Yu Chu blinked. She didn't say what she saw next to the corpse, she just made a random reason and asked the girl: "Do you know this person?"\u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

The girl nodded, "I know, he's a male prostitute in the red light district—the red light district, of course, you darling girls who don't get in touch, have never heard of it."

The red light district, which is almost the meaning of Fireworks and Willow Lane. Yu Chu did not expect that this target was a male prostitute.

What to do then?

Do you want to go to the red light district to see it?

This time, this little pervert should no longer kill people and then appear as the deceased.

probably not. The perverted characters are all weird and stubborn, and the same trick should be disdainful to use a second time.

The original owner was usually a good girl. Yu Chu didn't plan to tell others that she was going, so she passed the day as if nothing had happened. At night, she went out alone and walked towards the red light district.

Others may be very afraid of being found by the murderer, but Yu Chu can't wait for him to find him now.

Therefore, she was not afraid at all, walked alone into the night, and came to the red light district in the legendary foggy city.

Affected by the perverted murderer, the red light district, which has always been the busiest at night, is now bleak in business.

But in the end, it is a place to have fun. Although it is night, there are also many customers here, hugging the waist of the girl and kissing against the wall, or the masculine person touching the arm of the young man, lustful confusion.

Just as Yu Chu walked into a store, someone blocked his way. The young man in front of him was wearing heavy makeup and looked at her with a bit of love. He didn't seem to expect such a pure-looking girl to come to the red light district to play.

He threw a wink: "Miss, are you looking for someone to chat, or do you want to do something fun?"

Yu Chu was shocked by this wink, coughed, and said, "No need... I'll just take a look."

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