100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1113 fog demon (35)


Yu Chu woke up the next morning with a cool and comfortable feeling on her skin. She opened her eyes and saw the young man sitting softly on the edge of the bed, with a little ointment on her slender fingertips, carefully and considerately helping her apply the medicine. {with}{dream} щ{suimeng][1a}

Seeing her wake up and open her eyes, a happy smile flashed in the other's eyes, her fingertips rested on her neck, and she slowly spread the ointment on the traces, at the same time a little puzzled: "Why is it so easy to leave these ? Every time I kiss you, it won't be too much."

Yu Chu: "..."

Brother, do you have any misunderstanding about excess?

She didn't want to talk much, so she lowered her eyes slightly and looked at the boy. The other party applied the medicine patiently, and his gentle eyebrows were like a considerate boyfriend. This appearance seemed to have nothing to do with the word murderer.

"Why did you kill those people?" Yu Chu felt that this was a good opportunity to ask questions. The little pervert has just eaten clean and satiated, and seems to be in a very good mood at this time, and any questions he asks should be answered well. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

As expected, Qian Zeer didn't show any displeased expression, he just said casually: "I want to kill."

Yu Chu waited for two seconds, but didn't wait for the next sentence, and couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

The result she speculated was related to the game seven years ago. After all, the people who died were all accomplices of that game. In fact, the original owner is not considered an accomplice in the game. At most, he is afraid to stand up because of fear, but to such an extent, he is still found by the murderer and wants to kill her.

That must be a deep hatred.

She was silent and said, "I have observed your goals, and they are all related to the killing game of that noble young master seven years ago... Who are you avenging for?"

When she asked these words, Qian Zeer raised her eyes in surprise and looked at her for a few seconds, "Vengeance?"

He blinked his blue eyes, then raised his red lips and smiled, with an indescribable weirdness and weirdness in his smile, "There is no revenge... I just want to kill... However, there is a good reason for revenge. Ah, when it comes to finding those people, their performance is more complicated and their reactions are fun."

When he mentioned something he was interested in, the action of applying the medicine slowed down slightly, his eyes were bright, and it was the first time that he had said so much in an excited tone, like a child, proudly and happily sharing the happiness.

Yu Chu was a little silent.

She still underestimated the perverted degree of this pervert. She thought he was out for revenge...

Unexpectedly, Qian Zeer had no reason at all, just wanted to do it. He deliberately kills those wicked people who have done wrong, because in this way, the reaction of the wicked people can make him more satisfied in the process of torture and killing.

... perverted.

She smiled and asked tentatively:

"Do you really like killing people that much?"

Hearing the words, the young man raised his eyes and looked at her thoughtfully for a while, before he bent his eyes wickedly, revealing a creepy look of contentment, and said in a seductive tone:

"I like it. But now I have something I like more, and I won't get tired of spending a day here with you."


Yu Chu was so frightened that he wanted to shrink back.

Fortunately, after Qian Zeer finished speaking lightly, he didn't seem to have any thoughts of continuing to toss in the early morning. He continued to apply the ointment lightly, while licking his thin lips with great interest, his blue eyes revealed a strange excitement, and regretted:

"This thing is much more comfortable than killing people. But the bad thing is that you always pass out halfway."


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