100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1114 fog demon (36)


Yu Chu didn't want to talk to this pervert anymore.

Qian Zeer was not angry, and continued to slowly apply the medicine for her. Her thin red lips gently blew the snow-white ointment on her neck. The breath was fragrant, faint and warm.

Yu Chu shrank slightly, the other party seemed to be amused, and he bent his blue eyes and smiled.

He looks too normal now, like an ordinary teenager, with a beautiful appearance and a little cuteness.

Yu Chu looked at his pale and sickly face and asked in a low voice, "Do you have another goal?"

Qianzel glanced at her slowly, put away the ointment, and a look of interest appeared on her white cheeks, like the excited look of a hunter before hunting, but he shook his head at her, "No."

Yu Chu didn't believe it.

But he obviously didn't want her to know.

——How can I make him unwilling to kill from his heart? This goal is really difficult. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

After applying the medicine, Qian Zeer carefully helped her cover the thin quilt, and then said thoughtfully: "There are still some things that have been confiscated downstairs... I will go and throw them away."

Yu Chu glanced at him, "If you like, I can try to accept those things."

There was a slight flash of scarlet interest in the other party's eyes, and finally he shook his head and curved his eyes softly:

"You hate that, don't accept it."

He didn't bother to force girls to accept him by forceful means. It's a pity not to let her be of the same kind, but it's good to have her by my side.

In the red light district, he heard her hate...

Now she doesn't even dare to ask, whether she still hates herself. But he was also cautious, not daring to force her to accept... those things that were obviously very interesting.


never mind. Wait for her to give up on him. When he's sure she'll never leave him again...

The teenager got up from the bed and walked out of the room with long legs. After going downstairs, he casually collected the skeleton and the specimen while raising his lips slightly happily.

When his fingers touched the gems embellished on the skeleton, Qian Zeer suddenly stopped, thinking of a hidden danger.

His state is unstable, if he loses control in front of her and shows it... she will definitely hate him even more.

Maybe he will always be afraid of him.

The fingertips stopped lightly on the skeleton, the young man squinted his eyes, and in the blue pupils, the broken light slightly shimmered, with a trace of bloody sternness.

After he returned to the room, the girl raised her head happily and said to him, "Qianzel, let's go on a date together. Do you know what a date is?"

Qianzel was slightly startled.

He slowly pondered the word in his mind. The originally gloomy mood suddenly became a little happy. He licked the corners of his thin lips, and he said with great interest:

"Is it a lover's date? I know."

He had killed a pair of lovers before. It's just a simple one-shot solution for girls, because I don't like touching, so I don't bother to kill women.

Lovers are the most fake relationships in the world.

Men and women who are obviously not related, but come together because of "love" that can't be explained clearly...

But when he murdered, didn't the lovers abandon each other and escape for their lives because of fear?

Extremely hypocritical.

Qian Zeer didn't understand it, and he didn't even bother to understand it before.

But now that he heard the word dating, his mood was eerily happy, and even a little bit of interest arose, and he felt a little curious and wanted to experience it.

The young man tilted his head slightly, his eyes soft.

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