100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1120 fog demon (42)


Yu Chuzheng followed the old detective of the detective agency and entered the crime scene in the red light district.

The scene was terrifying.

It was a male prostitute in the red light district who found the body. It is said that he found that the door of Lux's cabinet was not closed tightly, so he reached out and pushed it, but there was something inside against the door and could not be closed. So my peers opened the door and looked, and were almost scared to death by the corpse.

The police station has already questioned the last couple of men and women at the scene. According to them, they were doing good deeds and were bumped into by Lux, but there was no communication, and then Lux walked into the room.

This thing is really weird.

The people from the police station have quarreled with the detective agency, and both sides blame each other for their inability to solve the mystery.

Yu Chu followed the old detective and took two notes. She left the scene and went to the bathroom. The red light district is very quiet during the day, and there is no debauchery at night.

The bathroom was dressed in a very retro style. Yu Chu washed his hands and raised his head. He looked at the mirror surrounded by golden hollow patterns in front of him. He saw in horror that not far behind him, a slender, pale boy was standing quietly.


This feeling is really creepy. Although his appearance is good-looking, he has an elegant and retro aristocratic feeling. His face is white and pale, and he stands quietly from a distance. I don't know how long he has stood, like an ancient ghost.

There was no expression on the young man's face, his eyes were faintly violent, but he was silent and quiet.

The silence in the bathroom was eerie.

Yu Chu didn't speak, and passed him by.

Her ignorant attitude made the blue in the bottom of the boy's eyes surge instantly, and her long fingers grabbed her wrist and easily pressed her against the washstand.

"Yesterday was an accident..." he said.

Those pure blue and beautiful eyes stared at her without blinking, he pursed his lips, his eyes darkened:

"I did not do it on purpose."

The girl stared at him coldly for a long time, and when he held her wrist against the table, she also didn't move lazily, she just raised her eyebrows slightly amused, with a hint of indifference in her smile, "It wasn't intentional... so what?"

Qianzel pursed her lips and froze.

"Did I tell you that I hate perverts. I try to accept you, but you tell me you're going to get out of control? Getting out of control can kill me, right?"

The girl's tone was slow.

Qianzel held her hand, and the temperature cooled down slightly. His eyelashes trembled slightly, restraining the violent irritability that surged in his heart, and his tone was soft and coaxing:

"Shall we go on a date? You promised me to go to the clock tower to see the night view. We agreed..."

"That was agreed yesterday." The girl raised her wrist gently and showed him the time on it. "Last night has passed. You didn't go with me yesterday. You can't come back today. The date is gone."

there is none left?

The young man was quiet, with a little red in his blue eyes, staring at her stubbornly.

"Also," the girl looked back at him, but suddenly hooked her lips and said lazily, "What's so good about watching the night scene? I made this proposal that day. Although you didn't object to it, you were also very disdainful of it, didn't you?"

At that time, the boy sneered at her suggestion to watch the night scene, but he didn't object.

Now, the girl stared at him coldly, and said in a sarcastic tone: "For you, dating... Isn't it more fun to kill at night?"

The boy's eyes shattered slightly.

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