100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1121 fog demon (43)


Yes. It's more fun to kill...

Qian Zeer was slightly stunned. He held the slender fingers on the girl's shoulders and tightened them unconsciously. He pursed his scarlet lips, his eyes were filled with sternness, and his voice was slightly hoarse: "It's really an accident, I don't usually get out of control, last night I didn't mean to..."

"Do you know what you're talking about?" Yu Chu gently pushed his hand away, "You are unstable, you might kill me when you lose control. Yesterday was a missed appointment, but next time if I accept you, you will kill me again. And me?"

Qianzel froze.

He didn't know that there was such a soft place in the heart, and the original soft place was stabbed, but it was so painful, the pain was so deep that his eyes became scarlet, and he wanted to kill like dissecting a corpse. Get rid of yourself, so that you can be quiet.

Uncontrollable violence flooded into my mind.

He hadn't had such a violent emotional reaction in a long time.

The self-protection of the brain begins to turn on again, forcing the reason to sleep, he clearly knows...

You are about to lose control again.

Losing control means losing your mind, just killing.

The boy clenched his teeth tightly, sweating slightly from the severe pain, but there was something empty in his heart, slightly dazed and at a loss, anxiously trying to control—if he lost control in front of her again...

She said she hated him. She will be more disappointed.

But after all, the consciousness could not resist the instinctive reaction. In just a moment, the last trace of tenderness and prayer in the young man's eyes subsided, and all the blood and violence poured out.

Qian Zeer, who was out of control, was like a machine with bloody consciousness. He realized that he was facing a girl, so he lowered his eyes to look at her, and a subconscious impulse to kill filled his eyes. He reached out to her.

When Yu Chu saw him in this state, his eyes flashed slightly, and his mind instantly remembered his plan.

Violence by violence.

But the other party's gaze fell on her neck, but suddenly stopped, and the strange eyes stopped on her neck. The blood in his eyes softened slightly, and he suddenly smiled strangely: "You don't want to die... If you kill someone, I will let you go, how about it?"

He seemed to have come up with this interesting idea temporarily, licked his thin lips, and became more excited, probably thinking that it was more interesting than killing her.

Yu Chu glanced at him, then suddenly reached out and pushed him away mercilessly, "Okay. Don't get in my way."

Chizel was startled.

He was pushed away, and the aura around the girl disappeared instantly. She didn't even look at him again, she just lowered her head and reached out to him, hooking her lips and saying, "I don't have any tools to kill, lend me a knife."

Chizel looked at her expression.

She also seemed to be a little curious about killing, and the expression on her face was eager to try, as if she suddenly had a great interest in this activity.

He should be excited.

But seeing that her attention was all drawn to murder, he suddenly became strangely unhappy.

Qian Zeer licked his thin scarlet lips, ignoring this weird feeling, and gently handed over his silver knife, and the other party took it, staring at the silver knife in admiration, "It's so beautiful, it must be beautiful when killing people."

Qianzel looked at the silver sword slightly.

That's right...he thought so too.

But she didn't blink, staring at the silver knife in admiration, with the familiar excitement on his face-he had weird excitement and calm before every murder.


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